Apr 04, 2006 08:55
I just want to have a hand to hold. Nothing else really. Just be able to reach out interlace fingers, feel secure, feel like nothing else at that precise moment in time matters. Last night I passed out for a little bit on the floor, after my insane cleaning spree. Occasionally waking up to put the Lifehouse "You and Me" song back on. It took me so long to fall, no wonder its taking so long to get up, Maybe I need help. Maybe I do need that hand to hold and that person to cuddle when I get sad or lonely. Will you find me please?
Im right here.
You know Nora? Me?
That one girl, that asks for so little?
That one girl that will laugh at your jokes because she thinks their funny.
That one girl that smells pretty and is soft to cuddle.
That one girl that will spend endless hours playing with your hair while you sleep.
That one girl that will be good to you.
That one girl.
Find me.