APP: badfic_manor

Aug 15, 2011 23:13

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Nemo!
Age: 19. (Nearly 20. Nearly an old man. I mean!!!)
E-Mail//MSN//AIM: @AIM: nemoded
Personal LJ: nemoded
How did you hear about Badfic? Dubs. And Yasmine!

IC Information:

Character Name: Hope Estheim
Name that appears on plaque: Hope Estheim
Character Journal: noras_boy
Canon: Final Fantasy 13
Point in Canon: Just before he is turned to Crystal
Age: 14
Birthday: 13th August
Here is him and Alexander.

Hope is a 5'0” kid with silver-blonde hair. His brand isn't shown in the picture, but it is under the right hand blue wrist-tie. His L'Cie brand considering his canon point is large and blue/white looking. It looks like this only it is on his wrist!

In Final Fantasy XIII, each character has three main roles within the party. These roles can be swapped at any time. Hopes main three roles are: “Medic” “Synergist” And “Ravager”. Medic Hopes best role, as the name implies is a healer. Synergists have the ability to enhance others in combat, and Ravagers have the ability to inflict massive damage with elemental spells. And Finally, Hope has the ability to Summon Alexander The Eidolon.


A simple spell that heals wounds.


Reduces the amount of Physical damage taken


Causes a firey explosion. Can only hit one target.


A spell that will heal multiple targets wounds including the casters at once.


Reduces the amount of magical damage taken


Causes Lightning to strike the target.


A more complex version of Cure, which heals more the worse the damage is.


Increases the targets reflexes making them quicker and more responsive


Causes a high pressure wave of water to strike the enemy.


Same as Curasa, except it hits all targets.


Reduces the chance that negative effects are going to affect the target


Summons an icicle to impale the enemy.


Revives a Knocked out Ally.


Increases the strength of the target


Causes a torrent of wind to strike the enemy


Esuna is used to remove inflictions like poisons and diseases.


Increases the magical abilities of the target


Causes an earthquake. No effect on flying enemies.

En - fire/frost/thunder/water

Embues the targets attacks with the corresponding element.


Causes a larger explosion can hit more than one target and does more damage.

Bar - fire/frost/thunder/water

Reduces the damage taken from the corresponding element.


Causes more lightning to rain down from the sky, capable of hitting more than one target.


Causes a larger wave of water to crush the enemy.


Causes a larger clump of ice to fall upon the enemy.


Causes a small tornado like effect around the enemy, damaging them.


Causes a huge explosion around the target. It is capable of hitting a lot of targets and does a great amount of damage.


Summons a field of electricity around the target, causing massive electrical damage.


Causes a multiple wave effect to crash into the target from more than one direction.


Causes a large Icicle to sprout from the ground underneath the enemy. Skewering them.


Causes a large tornado to launch the target into the air.

Hope starts the game as a typical teenager amidst a world of turmoil as he's sucked into the brutal purge, the governments idea to slaughter those who were in the town where a pulse Fal'Cie was discovered hiding amidst the people. The first we see of Hope is him refusing to aid the resistance by not taking a gun. He mutters “I'm sorry, I can't.” Fiercely under confident in his ability to protect people he watches his mother as she takes the gun to assist Snow. Moments later, his mother Nora uses a rocket launcher to blow up a Sanctum machine advancing upon them. Seconds after that, she dies. Sending Hope into a world of seething hatred for the man he sees responsible for the death of his mother. This hatred of Snow drives him forward, and under the tutelage of Lightning, he focuses on becoming one who can survive the terrible ordeal he's been put through.

Partway through the story, Lightning the woman who became his mentor has a realisation that she was angry for the wrong reasons. She was focusing on fighting to not focus on the facts. She announces to Hope that “Operation Nora” (Which is what he named his mission for revenge) was over. And apolgises for leading Hope down this path too. For Hope, his entire support system has just shattered. So he stares at the woman who he thought cared, an emotional turmoil rising through him surfacing in anger, feeling betrayed he listens to Lightnings advice but doesn't allow it enter his mind. He decides later to carry on with his revenge plan, showing that the grief is blocking his ability to see reason and that he has trouble hearing what's "right" sometimes.

During a confrontation with the Sanctum in his home town of Palumpolum he challenges Snow after being saved from certain death asking Snow about his actions, saying  “And what if that gets people around you involved? What happens when your actions end up ruining someone's life? What if someone dies? What then, Snow? How do you pay for what you've done ” He then goes on to attack Snow, but shortly afterwards after speaking with Snow he lets go of his anger and realises that Lightning was right, revenge wouldn't get you anywhere. After speaking to his father, he realises that there are better ways of dealing with grief.

The story continues and Hopes grief lessens. He meets with his father reluctantly and talks through his mothers death with him. He tells his father that he shouldn't worry about him, that he is okay and he can handle himself. His confidence begins to grow and when the group is reunited upon the Sanctum home ship “The Palmecia” Hope and the gang fight the Fal'Cie Barthandelus, who as the party attempt to escape after the skirmish sends them to the Fith Ark (an area in which L'Cie like Hope, are forced to develop their powers to survive). During this event Hope makes a powerful speech about “always moving forward” and promising his father that he'd continue and his father saying that only he would know what to do. He continues to say that he's sick of the lies, and that the world is full of them. He says that from now on, he's going to trust his own mind and that as long as he is the one making the decisions he'll have no regrets even though he knows he won't always make the right ones. This promise he makes to himself, becomes his core belief as he shapes himself into the young man he is by the end of the game It's at this point, that he matures and begins to think more stabley and sensibly.

The next we see of Hope, he is picking fruit alone, while his brand pulses. He looses conciousness as the party find him and bring him back to camp. Once awake he tells them to leave him there, that he'd only slow them down and they couldn't afford to wait for him. This moment of insecurity calls forth the mighty Eidolon Alexander. In Final Fantasy XIII-verse an Eidolon is a beast which is summoned from a brand of a L'Cie, to end their suffering or, as the party discovers, to put them on the “right path” to their destiny. With the self doubt banished by realising that he has the power to call forth such a powerful ally, Hope renews his faith in himself and continues on his quest.

The party realises that they can change their destiny, but this shaky belief is tested when the Fal'Cie Barthandelus turns innocent people into Ceith, a horrible monster caused by a L'Cie not completing their assigned Focus. Hope sees through Barthandelus's cruelty, saying that he's doing this to deter them, and stop them from attempting their plan to rid themselves of their brands, and give in and become Ragnarok the beast that will destroy the world of Cocoon. This shows that Hope has gained the ability to think clearly and look beyond the obvious, importantly because pre-game he was a member of the society being force-fed propeganda about another world.

Hopes personality fluctuates throughout the game due to the traumatic events that happen throughout the story's course. Though he maintains an air of seriousness due to the dire nature of their plight, Hope can be quite light hearted and funny. In a cut scene we see Hope and Vanille talking about Gran Pulse, Vanille remarks that “We promised eachother we'd see Gran Pulse together!” To which Hope replies “I don't remember that.” Vanille giggles and replies that he promised “in another life.” To pay her back for her trick Hope smiles and says “You should smile. When you smile, it makes me feel happy.” Vanille, shocked at Hope's admission of his feelings for her replies that she didn't know he felt that way. Hope grins and says “now we're even” before running away laughing. This little snippet shows that Hope still retains some of his playfulness even in the events of the main game.

By end-game, we see that Hope is a confident young man who worries about the welfare of his friends. Saddened by the fact that his two companions Fang and Vanille are still in crystal stasis, he comments that he's okay and that they've changed their destiny before. To that he smiles and joins the others in welcoming back Serah, Lightnings sister, and Dajh, Sazh's son. His personality is mainly friendly and quite open, he has a slight tendancy to be under confident in his own abilities but will always to his best to not be a burden. Since the events of the game have exposed so much deceit he has become more observant of other possible truths in any given situation
Magical Fighter
Loyal to his friends and allies
Makes friends easily
Can heal himself and others
Can enhance his own abilities and others
Naïve, he's not exactly the most street smart
Holds grudges re: Snow
Inexperienced he's not very combat experienced as he didn't fight before the game starts
Tends to take things too seriously
Doesn't understand other peoples jokes very much.

History: Pre-Game, Hope is an average teenage boy. He lives with his mother and father in the city of Palumpolum. The first chronological event we see of Hope, is him watching the fireworks with his mother in Bodhum. They're taking a vacation as commented by his mother who says she wishes that her husband and Hopes father could come next time.

Next thing we see of Hope is that he, his mother and any people in bodhum has been sucked up into a military operation called “the Purge”. The Purge was an operation by the military to kill all those who were in Bodhum at the time of a Pulse Fal'Cie being discovered hiding in the city. A Fal'Cie is basically a being who was entrusted to take care of mankind by “the maker”. (We learn later in the game that they are incredibly jealous of human kind for their ability to adapt and change) The reason the military were so violently against the people in Bodhum is because of the war between Pulse and Cocoon. Fal'Cie have the ability to turn humans to L'Cie and force them to complete their focus or become C'ieth. And L'Cie are incredibly dangerous, or so the Sanctum fed the people of Cocoon.

The Purge was not opposed by the public because the idea that a L'Cie could exist in the people was utterly terrifying. But also was the common the belief that Pulse was hell, and that anyone that had come into contact with anything created, or that had been in Pulse, was tainted and evil. So the public endorsed the Purge, with the understanding that these people had volunteered to go and live on Pulse to save the greater public. Though we soon find out, that the Purge was a more sinister genocide plot.

Hope is saved by the resistance, formed of Snow and his band of free-lance vigilantes N.O.R.A. Once saved from the Purge train, Snow asks for volunteers to help protect the people. Hope declines, saying that he can't. To that, his mother stands and takes hold of the gun, struggling under the weight. Telling her son she'll be fine, she follows Snow into the battle. However, this soon ends in tragedy as they are attacked and the platform they were standing on was cut in two, Hopes mother falling to her death after imploring Snow to save Hope and take him home. This begins Hopes hatred of Snow, and the beginning of his Grief. Vanille, another of the party members comforts him and encourages him to talk to Snow about it, otherwise he'll drive himself crazy. Unfortunately, Snow continues his mission to rescue his captured fiancé leaving on a velocycle. (A flying motorbike-like thing.)

Hope looks on in shock as he leaves. Vanille encourages him to follow him, so they steal another velocycle which Hope expertly (Not really. At all. See “I can drive this- I can drive this-” Icon) pilots to where Snow had landed. Upon arriving in the Fal'Cies den, the Pulse Vestige. Amongst the Vestige, Hope and Vanille are attacked by several beasts before the party meet up in it's (almost) entirety for the first time. After an angry conversation between Lightning, Snow and Serah who enters Crystal Stasis, Lightning rages and attacks the Fal'Cie with nothing but her gunblade. Hope attempts to escape not wanting to anger the Pulse Fal'Cie but is trapped in. After a short fight, the Fal'Cie brands them L'Cie and causes the whole area to fall out of the sky, but also crystallisingj the entirety of the giant lake below them.

On the lake, Hope becomes angered with Snow, and decides to follow Lightning Sazh and Vanille. They find an old airship, which Sazh attempts to pilot, but crashes it into the Vile Peaks. It is here that Hope decides to follow Lightning thinking her, the Ex-soldier most likely to survive the ordeal. Lightning is at first reluctant to accept the tag along, especially after he decides to try and pilot a large pulse machine called a Juggernaut, though he is successful he tires and Lightning becomes fustrated with him. This is exemplified by the fact that she tries to tell Hope that she can't take care of a stupid kid and stay alive herself, which causes her Eidolon Odin to challenge her. After the fight, she tells Hope she didn't mean it and they continue on their journey into the Gapra Whitewood, a military testing facility.

During this wood, Hope picks up fighting quickly. Taking charge, trying to put what he's learned into action. After successfully navigating most of the facility riddled with Psicom Soilders, It is here that he reveals he wants to gain revenge on Snow because he failed to save his mothers life but saved himself instead. This warped view is what drives him forward. They continue their journey towards Palumpolum which was where they were headed.

Trying to avoid the military swarming the city, they follow Hopes idea to sneak through the underground complex because there was a nearby entrance which was hidden and only children really knew about it. During their journey through the complex Lightning realises that she had been “fightning Blindly” because she had given into doubt and confusion and because of this, she had encouraged Hope to do the same. To Hopes dismay, she announces that “Operation Nora is over.” Lighting suggests that they go and visit Hopes father to tell him what happened to Nora, Hopes mother. Hope agrees reluctantly, and follows Lightning out of the complex.

Unfortunately, they are ambushed upon leaving the underground. With chances of survival looking Dim, Lightning tells Hope to run, and that she'll keep them busy. To their surprise, Snow jumps down from an amazing height, summoning his Eidolon the Shiva sisters who create a large Ice ramps and spires. Defeating the assembled troops with the help of his Eidolon, Lightning forces Hope to go with Snow. Without a chance to challenge him, Hope reluctantly escapes with Snow.

Snow and Hope journey through the city, trying to save as many people as they can by scaring them into running away. Knowing that there will be a repeat of the Purge if they don't. Unfortunately this plan backfires when the people cannot escape and turn on Hope and Snow, who are forced to forcibly restrain the people by knocking down a barrier to keep them at bay. This terrifys the people, especially as a young girl is stuck on the side with Hope and Snow. The girl pushes Hope in the stomach, dropping her doll and running over the blockade to her mothers arms. This act draws a pain from Hope, who picks up the doll and walks it to the barrier, saying sorry to the people and putting down the doll before running onto catch up with Snow.

After being chased throughout the city, Snow and Hope have a moment to rest. It is here that Hope decides to confront Snow. Hope advances on Snow, using the power of the L'Cie to blast him over the edge of a barrier. He takes the Knife Lightning game him and goes to gain his revenge. However at that moment an explosion happens behind him, blasting Hope from the platform to a seemingly fatal fall. But Snow, realising that Nora implored him to help Hope get home, lets go, grabbing him and holds him as close as possible, crashing through various things before hitting the floor. Hope comes too, realising that Snow had saved his life, even after trying to kill him. The two settle their differences before meeting up with Fang and Lightning at Hopes home.

At his house, Hope makes up with his father. Explaining what happened to his mother and stating that he wants to go with Snow Lightning and Fang. His father speaks with Lightning and Snow and he allows Hope to go with him. Hope makes a promise to his father that he will come back, and will do whatever it takes to survive. His father notes that only he will know what that is. The skylights crash in, and a smoke grenade falls to the floor. PSIcom soldiers had arrived to attack the party. After a speedy battle and an escape thanks to Fangs ally Cid Raines, The party board the ship “Lindblum”.

Aboard the ship they learn that Sazh and Vanille are being held prisoner pending execution. Lightning Snow and Hope realise that his is probably a trap but decide that they have to rescue their friends. So with a determination they attack the Palamecia, the Sanctum's home-ship. After fighting their way through waves of enemies they reunite with Sazh and Vanille. They soon learn that the head of the Sanctum, Dysley is aboard the Palamecia. They end up infront of him, and decide to fight. Which he reveals his true form. The Fal'Cie Barthandelus. The L'Cie party are shocked, but manage to triumph over him, shocked to see that he returns unscathed. They escape on a ship which is controlled by Dysley, much to their dismay, and crash onto the Fith Ark.

The Arks were L'Cie training ground on Pulse, the party is informed by Vanille and Fang. These Arks were used to maximise a L'Cies power through forced survival. They manage to work their way through with their full power awakened, noting that it was strange for Dysley to lead them there. They soon work out that he means for them to destroy cocoon, for a reason they can't fathom. Hope's speech about decision is spoken before bording a Pulse ship and warping to Gran Pulse. The world that cocoon so feared.

A little time passes and we revisit the party at a built camp discussing the lack of people around. Worried about the amount of time the brands have left, They decide there is only one place left to go. However, chocobo, Sazh's gift for his son that he never got to give, interrupts their talk to inform them that Hope has fallen unconscious. The gang go to retrieve him, and upon his wake from being unconscious, he tells his friends that they should leave him. That he's endangering him and that he isn't strong enough. This under-confidence summons his Eidolon Alexander. Showing him he has the strength to summon a very powerful Eidolon.

They continue their journey through Pulse and head to Fang and Vanille's home town Oerba. They discover that it has changed a lot since Fang and Vanille had been there hundreds of years earlier. It is here, they are challenged by Barthandelus again. Once they defeat him, they find a way back to Cocoon. They decide that now is the time to go and complete their destructive focus, even if it is playing into Barthandelus's hands.

Once back on Cocoon, they realise that their travelling back to cocoon has caused the wild animals of Pulse to come and attack the people of Cocoon. They decide that they need to hurry and complete their focus sooner rather than later. They go head towards Edenhall, the centre of all Sanctum and prepare to destroy Orphan, the power source for the Fal'Cie of cocoon. They march towards the final fight knowing that they can change their destiny.

On the last leg of the journey, Barthandelus shows his desperateness for them to complete their focus by turning innocent people into Cieth, attempting to make the party feel guilty for challenging the rule of the Fal'Cie. Hope points this out, telling his friends that they have to stay strong and keep going.

The party then move to fight Orphan. Just after Orphan looses the first fight, It selects and tortures Vanille trying to get her to assume the form of Ragnarok and give them the release they desire. Fang looks on in horror as Vanille is tortured. Fang stops Vanille's suffering by promising to kill Orphan herself. To the horror of the others. Fang fights them off and becomes Ragnarok, attempting to kill Orphan but failing. Vanille looks over the bodies of her friends realising they're Cieth.

However, this is apparently not the case. As Vanille shouts up at Orphan that she'd rather fight and loose than give in to it's wishes without trying to resist, four fire blasts collide with Orphan's body and Hope, Snow, Sazh and Lightning walk back into the picture. Sazh remarks on the monsters speech, “Miracles out of Misery, give me a break.” Hope, healing Fang to full health also comments. “Yeah Fang, who'd be dumb enough to swallow that crock.” The party fight with Orphan and kill it. The focus complete, Cocoon begins to fall from the sky, the power holding it there gone. The party desperately joins hands as they fall, but Vanille and Fang fall faster. They look to eachother before Fang asks if Vanille is ready. Vanille nodding back, joins hands with Fang as they transform into Ragnarok, not to Destroy cocoon but to save it by creating crystal much like the Fal'Cie to hold it in the air.

Shortly after this, the L'Cie turn to crystal. Their reward for completing their focus. This is where I take Hope.

First Person Sample: This is from Hope's other Game! ^^
Third Person Sample:
This log is a cute one! There's lots and lots of words here.
Here is Hope's Wiki!

I Blame Dubs completely for this. Her and her sneaky sneaky ways.

app: badfic_manor

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