emmybuns696 tagged me for DIEFENBAKER, ahahaha. Here it is:
1) Do you like this character?
Dude, he's totally badass. He's half-wolf, he fights crime, he obeys his own rules, and he can read lips in five different languages.
2) What name/s do you call this character?
Diefenbaker. Dief. DEEF DEEF DEEF.
3) What image/color do you associate with the character?
I guess I associate white and snow with him, since he and his master (heh) are from Canada. I'm so creative.
4) What image/song do you associate with the character?
"Pimpin', Hoes and Ice-cream Cones" by Edward's Empire. Dief's a total pimp, in my head.
5) What blood type do you think this character is?
I have no idea. He's a dog -- sorry, half-dog -- what does it matter?
6) Of all the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
I love his scenes with Fraser, cuz they just show how much of a 'tude Dief's got. Their "conversations" always make me giggle.
7) What would you want to say to this character?
8) What do you want to do with this character: shake hands, hug, or kiss?
I would HUG the shit out of him, allergies be damned!
9) Please choose a few friends with your choice of character:
Ok, I'm not gonna tag anyone cuz I'll just end up tagging the same people and then they'll tag me again and this meme will never END.