The World According to Jackie

Jan 25, 2006 01:15

Last night I was certain my rat Garp was about to die. She was acting so strange, not walking properly, breathing funny and finally just laying still. I tried to call some emergancy clinics in Toronto with no luck. Jena suggested calling Chelsea (ingenius! I was so hysterical I hadn't even thought of the obvious!) Chelsea's line was busy, so I decided to call her mother Diane. Diane, being the sweetheart she is made me start balling once I heard the sound of her voice. She gave me an idea of what could be wrong and comforted me.
I was pleasently suprised this morning to see Garp doing a bit better but decided to take her to the vet anyways. The vet, Tim, did not know exactly what was wrong but gave me some medicine for my sweetie. (I was so happy by the warmth and comfort that the Coxwell Animal Clinic provided). So the status at the moment for Garp is ok, but not great. I hope she improves. (Or maybe she is just faking sick to get my attention).
Thanks to all of you that I called late last night. Your support and love meant the world to me and I will keep you updated on Garps state.
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