
Aug 27, 2013 15:04

Busy, but awesome weekend!

E, H, and I went to the Museum of Contemporary Craft, which was awesome. I think it may be my new favorite museum (sorry OMSI!). I especially liked this exhibit, which was a mechanical and glass structure that played the glass bowls like wine glasses. Haunting and beautiful.

They also had a display about tools, which made me want to collect woodworking tools, despite the fact I don't actually do much wood working. They were so pretty!

We also caught the end of their East/West show on hammered metal. WANT. Someone pointed us to the nearby gallery showing the other half of the show, and omg. I need to hit metal with hammers more. Constantly. I need to quit my job and just hammer metal for the rest of my life. Simply breathtaking work.

I really do need to get back to doing metalwork: The museum shop had some beautiful things for sale, and it looked like some of my work would fit in nicely (and those prices? Looked nice, even minus commission).

We went to Powell's briefly - Backyard Blacksmith was on sale, so yay - and then headed over to Trek in the Park. I'd brought bahn mi sandwiches from Tan Tan Cafe, one of our favorite places, and we got there 3 hours early to get good seats. I'd say about 300 people beat us there, and our seats were so-so. But I'd also guess that there were close to a thousand people there by the time the show started, so it was good we arrived early.

The show was tons of fun (and they had SO MANY TRIBBLES. They literally buried the guy playing Kirk in tribbles. It was great), but the audience is really what sells it for me - the kids in particular. I mean, not only was there a guy, in a star trek uniform, playing the star trek theme on the bagpipes while riding a unicycle, but I overheard a kid telling his friends about the minatures (I think) he's making - he's done Nazgul already, and is about to start on Saruman. There were two siblings in the upper single digits near where we were sitting, and the little girl was knitting as her brother ran her through a DnD module. These are my people.

Afterwards we hit Prost for some DELICIOUS german food and beer, and I managed to snag the name of the bakery where they get their bread, so hopefully I can swing by there soon. We got some ice cream, and called it a night. Such a lovely day.

awesome!, theater, portland, family, art, crafts, restaurants, doings

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