Dining Month: Ración

Jun 17, 2013 22:22

First course: Asparagus Salad egg yolk, cider, diva cucumber
The egg yolk had had something done to it so it was almost custard-like, and creamy, and in little pretty dots on the plate. Rich and delicious, and paired well with the matching green puree of some herb that I can't recall.

Second course: Sous Vide Egg chickpea gnocchi, hazelnut romesco, radish
Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my. This was so good. Racion is a small plate tasting menu kind of place, but oh, if I could order a whole bowl of this, I would. The sous vide egg was cooked to perfection (the joys of sous vide, that), but the chickpea gnocchi was right up there with it. Small little gnocchis, and just a few of them, but they were just so flavorful and delicious, with a perfect gnocchi-ish texture. Red pepper sauce was great as well - married with the gnocchi without either overpowering the other. Oh, I want to eat this again.

Third course: Bavette Steak beluga lentils, almond ajo blanco, spring onion
Steak was also done sous vide, and was tender and delicious, with just a quick sear on it. Yum! The almond puree-ish stuff under the lentils was light and refreshing, and the lentils lent a little more heft to the small plate. Delicious.

Pisco Sour -jalapeño simple, smoked salt
Sadly this was only so-so - not enough heat, and no noticable difference in the salt. Tasted too much like sour mix.

Mint Julep -mint granita, Makers
Normally I'm not a mint julep person, but it was bartender's recommendation, and I have to say it's the best I had. It had a mint granita which was served in a tumbler, along with a separate shot of Maker's Mark - once you poured in the shot, the granita started to melt, which lead to a gradually sweeter and mintier drink, which actually worked very well with finishing the meal.

portland(ia), food, restaurants, doings

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