
Jun 12, 2013 19:13

So much yard.

So sometime in the last few weeks, the grass in my yard went from 'waist high I should really mow that' to 'wtf, it is regularly as tall as me, and occasionally a good foot or two taller than my brother. My lawn might eat me if I try to mow it." 8 foot high grass in spots. No idea what kind of grass it is, so I shall call it Tall Grass. Because it is. Damn.

So my parents got my brother and I riding lawn mower. Woo! But even that had its work cut out for it. My brother, being the Best Brother in the World (whom I owe cookies), had mowed half of it while I was away. This weekend, he traded me mowing in return for doing work in his yard. This kind of mowing is, god willing, a one-time thing, and it's not super easy to do, and since you can't see what the ground is like you have to worry a bit about getting the mower stuck in big ruts or the like.

So I spent 4 or 5 hours running things through a woodchipper, while my brother mowed and H weeded the blackberries (which are nearly ripe, already. goodness). Mowing is still not done, but another day should do it, and then I just need to make it a regular thing to keep this from happening again. One of my neighbors-to-be, Kimble, came by when she was walking her dogs, and took H's dog with her on a walk around the lake. When she came back to return him, she brought us each water bottles of ice and lemonade.

After we were done, H and I stopped by my neighbors-to-be, Josh and Shauna, and asked to borrow their hose so we could water my trees. When we returned it, they met us with beer, and then asked us to stay for dinner (which was delicious. I love that when my neighbors say "I'll make a salad" they just start picking things out of their garden). It was just a lovely, friendly evening.

It was a lovely time. I'm excited all over again to move into a neighborhood where this kind of thoughtful, share-focused thing happens. I need to hurry and work on house so I can move out there.

life, house, doings

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