Life is Social!

Dec 17, 2011 10:07

I went to a coworker's christmas party, mostly because I was touched by the invitation - the prospect of going and knowing only one person wasn't thrilling, but Bill is very cool and reminds me vaguely of my Uncle John, and I thought it sweet he invited me.

And I had such a wonderful time! Everyone was lovely and welcoming and easy to talk to, and we walked down to Peacock Lane and looked at the lights. Turns out that Bill's wife is an amazing artist who does encaustic painting, which I had never heard of. It's painting with beeswax, essentially, and looks so much more luscious and deep in person. The pieces are stunning. I'm hoping to take a class from her soon - must learn strange new art thing!

She also offered to join me at Art Spark sometime, which sounds awesome, and is going to ask around about forging space for me. Many of their friends are also artists, so I ended up talking with a guy who does really cool articulated puppets (my favorite was this creepy insectoid thing) out of metal. He does a lot of stop motion film work, and is getting me info on an upcoming local animation festival.

I got home way, waaaaay later than planned, didn't do any soldering (though I did cut out my boards, so I did some work, at least), but did make off with about 2 dozen cookies, so yay. A grand time was had.

art, crafts, life, friends=awesome, doings

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