My (OOG) Heroes

Jun 13, 2011 20:39

So my whirlwind trip happened. Was very very whirlwind.

I got in after only a few hours of sleep on the plane, took the train, and was met at the trainstop by Hilariarex. Who then showered me with gifts of delicious foods and gatorade, such that not only would I not die, but I would have delicious cheese, and bread, and berries to eat. And then they let me sleep in the car pretty much the whole way there.

And then we had an event! I will write about my ig heroes later. Mendoza and I continue to share a brain, and it continues to be awesome.

Glittering Whimsy (who, if he has a lj, I fear I do not know it off the top of my head) gave me occasional brief backrubs. Close approximation to heaven.

After the event, another lovely person whose lj name I don't know, but I'll call Dymerath (which I'm sure people will LOVE) whisked me away (HA HA HA) to the airport. We had a lovely ride that made me resolve further that what this world needs is cheap and easy teleportation devices. We arrived at the airport in plenty of time... whereupon I realized I had forgotten my purse. Seems I've gotten out of the habit of being paranoid, since I've generally spent the last year and a half driving myself everywhere, which I can't do without my keys.

So... yeah. We had a brief moment of confusion where we started to leave the airport, then figured out that, no, me staying there and waiting for my purse was the only hope.

Oh, and have I mentioned that my phone was dead? My brother had sent me some texts with the location of my car at the airport (we've been sharing, since his is temporarily out of commission, and he had had to travel on Saturday), but I hadn't gotten to write down which lot it was in yet. Yikes. So I scribbled down notes as fast as I could and turned my phone off again.

I knew I had at least an hour to kill while waiting for the aptly named Taranhero, so I went inside and spoke to the Best Airline Ticket Person EVER. Also known as Janet. Dude. Janet fucking rocks. I am writing JetBlue a loveletter about this woman. So I stand in line for 40 minutes (airport is crowded, I notice. There is no hope of me getting on my plane. Begin making contingency plans. Crashspace will be easy, but having to miss an extra day of work - my 8th day of work with these people, total, I would note - would not be a good thing). When I get to the awesome Janet, I explain my story and she says, honey, don't worry. When your friend gets here, you skip the line and come straight to me. If it's ater 7:05, your bag probably won't make it with you, but if that plane is still on the ground when you get to me, you'll get on it. I'll take you through security myself.

I thanked her profusely, and went to wait outside. Got a bit nervous as the clock was ticking by. Feared Taranhero had tried to call me when phone was off. Turned phone on and tried to call him, but got voicemail. Called Darkwhimsy. He hadn't heard anything. Phone shut off before I could hang up. Would not start up again, not even a flicker.

And then Taranhero arrived! And lept from his car and sprinted to me, and we sort of had the doppler effect going on as we shouted "hi" and "thank you" and "you are so amazing I love you oh my god thank you" and "safe flight" and "run!" at each other and I ran. I ran up to the Jetblue counter, and I skipped the line and Janet, small but mighty goddess that she is, starts working on my ticket while also trying to explain things to a semi-difficult customer. She calls the gate, tells them to hold the flight, and there's a pause. She says, "You owe me, remember?" and then she smiles. And then she puts the tags on my bag, and we run. We cut through security like wow, and run all the way to the gate.

Not only did I make my flight, but my bag got there too. And I found my car. Whew!

Many thanks to my oog heroes, for making the trip (and my return) possible. You all rock. Now hurry up and move to Portland.

friends=awesome, doings

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