In which I am a fan girl

Apr 05, 2010 18:53

So Egowumpus pointed me over to Hyperbole and a Half today, and I proceeded to about die laughing. The only reason I took breaks in reading through th archives was to send links to people and because my sore throat means it hurts to laugh. Oh my god, this woman is brilliant and I adore her.

And then I read this one, about why it is ok to be afraid of spiders. One of the pictures is the above user pic, about how she is sorry that she's not a fearless killing machine, unafraid of grenades.

So, to back up a bit: my family has this running joke about what my kids are going to be like. They are going to be taught (as much as they can stand, and probably a little more than they want) all sorts of the weird shit I know: how to tan leather, how to throw a knife, braille, blacksmithing, glass blowing, chainmail, welding, electronics, how to set a snare, how to build a fire without tools, how to knit, how to crack a bullwhip, how to throw a punch, how to throw a person, various ways to blow stuff up, finger locks, how to twirl a butterfly knife, how to fire a gun, how to kill a zombie. I've not had practice in that last one, but it's important. Combine that with my brother's crazy knowledge, and they are going to be rigoddamndiculously awesome kids. My family, every once in a while, marvels over whether my kids will be awesome and full of knowledge, go join the circus (which I think would be awesome, because while I know how to contact juggle and spin poi - both of which my kids will learn - I have never done trapeze work, and they should get on that), or end up living off the grid and killing things with their teeth while making cave art. Or some combination thereof.

So. Back to the story. So anyway, I see this picture so I write to the amazing woman, Allie, who does this blog, and I tell her about how much I love her work and how hard I'm laughing and this whole joke my family has about it all, and how I would dearly love to use it for a user icon, and I only wished that I could get it on a t-shirt.

And she writes back to me! Eeee! And very nicely says yes, thanks for asking, and she'll put the design on a shirt for me! For me! And my family, who will get the joke even if they never wear the shirt (at least my dad won't, and my mom will be slightly appalled, but my brother will get it, because he is awesome).

And, and she said my future children sounded more like "turbo warriors" than children and that she thought that all sounded super awesome. How much of a compliment is that?

family, yay!, gleee!

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