
Feb 04, 2010 01:14

Many fun things this weekend, though I could certainly use another weekend to help me recover.

Saturday I went car shopping, finally! Just sort of toured around a number of places and got a feel for what my price range will mean car-wise. And found a place I will most certainly not be buying from, but that's important, too. Cute little Honda that I liked, save for the fact it's a two door. For ease of my loading and unloading, I'd really rather go with four doors. One of the places got new cars in my price range in this week, though, so I'll go look at them sometime in the next few days.

Saturday night the illustrious RussianDude joined me on a Very Long Trek north and west, to see Tripod Versus the Dragon. The ride was fun both ways, as we discussed a great deal of 7V plot and thoughts. For three hours. Each way. But it was a productive drive with very nice company, and a grand time.

The show itself was an absolute delight! Funny, certainly, but also better musical theater than I had expected. The woman playing the GM/Dragon, Elena Stone, has a beautiful voice. I want the CD just so I can have copies of the Dragon's songs. I was especially fond of her first song, of which I cannot for the life of me remember the refrain, despite my attempts to memorize it as she sang, and "On Paper". .So sweet. Though "Don't Feel Bad" was fun, too. All in all, the show was a gerat time, and a lot of fun. Made even greater by the fact that Jameyhasnolj and Iralith had also made the long drive up in the name of geekery and theater. Sadly, we didn't get to hang out with them for too long (or go try to break into the nearby tunnel! How awesome would that have been?) because Russiandude and I had to be up early in the morning.

So, we drove back after a quick stop to get me some caffine (whee!) and fell into our respective beds. Then it was up again far far too soon to go to Diablo Glass for another class.

Major points to Russiandude for getting me to eat breakfast, as I went from feeling like maybe I should cancel all my Sunday activities to feeling only like I had a cold. Glass class was fun, though truthfully not as good as the last class we had there. I had been hoping to do more glassblowing work, and was a little miffed we broke for lunch. Who needs food? I want to play with glass! I did like the mushroom technique we learned, though the exploded (imploded? Something) pendants were very much not my thing. I did one so I could try it out and play with the glass powder for the backing, but I think it will look like crap and was not enthused. So I think I made... two things? 2.5 things? That I liked. But it was still a lot of fun, and I have glass and gift certificate to get me back there doing my own work, and that will be awesome! And, of course, getting to do crafty things with friends is always and ever a grand thing. I need to go pick up my glass, though. Hm. Maybe on Friday?

Immediately after glass class, we hurried off to an actual in-person plot meeting at chez ryxander. We were very productive, though I was losing my voice enough I fear poor kumir_k9 had no hope of hearing me (he was video-chatting into the meeting). Still, it was productive, and nice to get a few more things nailed down. And kudos to Mendoza, who had also read through the mountainous mountain of character histories.

Double kudos to Mendoza, in fact, for passing along many many BPAL imps for me to try out. Whee! As soon as I kick this cold and can actually smell them, I shall have great fun.Even moreso, hopefully I can find some things that smell good on me and use that when I go to make my own perfume!

Then I slept a lot. Oof.

In other awesome news, I got to see the new Charlies of Rochester location! It's awesome and spacious and relaxed and lovely, the food continues to be great, and the company, of course, is fabulous. And the green pepper rings. OH the GREEN PEPPER RINGS. Like onion rings, only a million times better. Because: Green peppers! YUM! I fear I will eat little else. But seriously, go there. It's great!

In other other awesome news, as it's taken me several days to finish this post, I am going first thing in the morning to actuall drive a couple of cars! There are a few that look to be lovely, and in my price range, and nice and functional and everything. And one has a moon roof!

glass, theater, food, crafts, doings, gaming

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