
May 25, 2009 07:47

E and I, joined by Tressum and her eldest, went and saw Huntington Theater's production of Pirates! yesterday. Oh my god, go see it now. Seriously. I'll wait.

They changed a lot - it's not exactly The Pirates of Pinzance anymore, but to my surprise I didn't mind in the slightest. They kept the plot, added in a pirate curse (actually a song from another G&S musical, if I'm remembering correctly) to explain why the pirates are so interested in getting married, made Ruth with it and sexy, made Mabel smart and competent, changed a lot of the middle verses of songs to be more current in their satire, but did a great job of keeping the feel of the original show. The Pirate King is very Jack Sparrow, but also had one of the funniest moments of audience contact I've seen in a show. Hilarious, fun, very lively, and very well done.

I'm strongly considering trying to swing seeing it again. You should go see it right now. Tickets for people under 35 are only $25. Seriously.

theater, doings

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