Wedding Bells

Aug 27, 2007 12:46

So, we're married! And back from our honeymoon, so I can begin to catch up.

It went off pretty much without a hitch. We forgot the music cds at home, which meant that my dad went back and got them. This meant that when the music did start, every head in the hall turned to look at me, expecting (I assume) a first dance, only a) we weren't having one, and b) Eric was outside somewhere or something. Many thanks to everyone who stepped in and took the dancing pressure off of us. The cake was great (and the gun bunny half of the topper is from Busou Shinki, for all those who asked), the dancing was so much fun to watch (and dance, the two I managed - thank you both!), the ceremony nice, he pictures short, the weather windy but managable, the food good (I think? I think I ate, um, one thing), the afterparty much fun, the glowsticks plentiful, the company everything I could have hoped for.

The whole day was wonderful, and thank you to everyone who made it so. It was lovely to see you all, or to get well wishes from afar. I'd be amiss if I didn't give a few special thank yous, though. To Kendra, Hillary, Izzy, Genna and Ellen for being on 'my team' and standing up next to me when I said my vows. Chocolate strawberries and jewelry aren't enough for you five. I mean, seriously, people: when I did start to tear up before the ceremony (when my dad came into my dressing room, of course), Hillary kicked off the "Wuv, Twu Wuv" speech from the Princess Bride, and everyone joined in, and recited the entire thing. Twu Wuv speech, emergency alcohol on hand, immediate help with the few things that did need dealing with (Rings! I nearly forgot!), and happy hanging out when we just had some time to kill. Not to mention a great sense of humor about various female relatives clucking all over us, taking pictures before and after, and the whole wedding rigamaroll in general.

Apparently people could hear most of the ceremony, despite our wonderful and very ancient JP sort of gesturing wildly with the mic. So that's good. I didn't spell the first glass of red (who chooses red! I'm in white!) wine all over myself - also good. There was food and cake and a little dancing, then Eric and I changed out of our fancy clothes and went over for the vR's traditional after-party. Which, I must say, is a fabulous idea. It was really great to be able to calm down a little and just spend time with all of the family and friends who had made it to town.

So, yeah. It was a giant load of stress to plan, but major kudos to my family and Eric's for pitching in as much as they did, and it all came together nicely. The day was wonderful and not at all stressful, and really had everything I wanted: lots of friends, and E and I were married by the end of it.

And I may only be a week in, but married? Is awesome. Thanks again for all the well wishes.

made_of_awesome, wedding, doings

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