short term future

Nov 08, 2011 16:10

So I finally got word that I am going to be staying in Charleston for the next level of my training. This was what I wanted, so yay! No upstate NY in the middle of winter plskthx. I was lucky to get it, too, because 1 of the boats down here isn't working so almost everyone is going to NY.

The flip side of that is that all of my friends are going to NY. The only other people staying here are basically the married people. Given how much I suck at making friends and how long it has taken me to get comfortable with the group of friends I have now, this pretty much means that after December 2 I will spending a LOT of time alone.

Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Obviously I like to spend quite a lot of my time alone, and with the type of schedules we'll be running at prototype (12 on 12 off shift work, ugh), I wouldn't be up for going out much anyway. But still, 6 months is a long time. Maybe I'll meet some cool people in my training pipeline, although the chances seem pretty small (most will be sub ensigns or the married SWOs).

What is definitely a good thing is that now that I know I'll be around here until about the end of June next year, I set up an appointment to see an orthodontist! I had braces in high school to fix a truly horrid overbite and snaggly teeth, and I wore my retainer pretty consistently for about 5 years until the lower one cracked. I figured that I could handle a little movement and so that was the end of it. Fast forward to 2 years later and my teeth are just getting crookeder and crookeder. I can't handle the idea of having braces again, so I'm having a consultation for Invisalign. It's butt expensive and the Navy won't pay for it, but honestly, I think it is worth it to me to have straight teeth. I know that makes me shallow but fine, whatever. Nice teeth are one of those things that I find crucial in both myself and others.

Anyway, we'll see if I can even do it. Depends how much my teeth have moved and how long it'll take and how awful I feel when they present me with the estimate (I'm guessing around $5k based on what I've researched). But damn I would love to have straight teeth again!!

life, good stuff

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