second errand. (backdated to dec 17)

Dec 19, 2011 19:36

(( Action // (Morning) 7133 Brooks Lane // Locked To Housemates ))

[[yawn. wakey wakey, eggs 'n bakey.]] Man, that was a weird dream... [[he answered 'no', but it was still kind of strange to have some stranger walk him around and show him all that depressing crap.

she heads downstairs, his mouth set on some breakfast, but the tv is on. he stops, and watches it. blah blah, names he doesn't know... but then.

mordecai. and benson. rigby's throat tenses and he continues to stare.]] What the...? Mordecai? No, that... can't be right. And Benson?

(( Phone // (Morning) // Unfiltered ))

So, hey, someone wanna explain this stupid shit?

(( Action // (Afternoon) Around Town // Open ))

[[did you know a raccoon could look so sad? well, now you do!]] Stupid Mayfield... Stupid... Stupid weird drone copies of my best bro! What are you playin' at?! [[he starts to... stomp. it'd actually be kind of hilarious if it weren't for how sad and confused and mad the lil' guy looked.]]

!event, !ic, he is gonna be the biggest asshole

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