Apr 17, 2006 22:05
I like my meat like i like my weekends... medium well. Haha, so that was lame. But yeah, you expect that right? I am "fly" and puntastic. Anyway, fun rhetoric aside, I'm supposed to be writing a week late minor essay on fascism... still. Yeah, still. I'm quite incredible. Few in this world rival my procrastinatorial (word?; is now) tendencies but sometimes I even amaze myself. Somehow I always fall off the bandwagon but it's increasing lately. I know participate more than ever in class and really do quite well on tests but have cut homework/writings completely out of my life. Kind of problematic for classes requiring said assignments, such as advanced speech. All we do is write and give speeches and I am so far O for 3. Incredible.
Even now I sat down with about a 54% chance of writing this paper and it's steadily declining as I type. Oddly enough, I believe a 5-paragraph half-assed-Ms. Livingston-esque piece of toilet paper would be acceptable. Knowing this I go now to type a horrible, mainly ranting interpretation of what I think fascism is. How boring. In fact, it would probably be safe to say that thinking of and publishing this entry will take longer than my sum total of at home work. "But still I rise"
Short note that I hope to expound upon at another time is my recent excursion to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. It rocked. Major. Weather was beyond wonderful. The temp was between cool and sunny (40-60) with a constant light breeze. It stormed every night but somehow cleared by morning, literally every night. We played wine-induced chess, ate continental breakfastesesessss, took pictures, harrassed strong willed seagulls, swam and overall just let go for an entire three days.
Twas fantastic and highly recommended. Off to essay. No more delays..
Seriously going now.
Watch me...
Here I go, writing that essay.
Yup, researching now.
Ok, for real for real. Peace outside homeslice(s)
~Philly Phil
Feeling: Relaxed and on caffeine high, paradoxically enough
Watching: Eraserhead as soon as i get a copy
Reading: 5333 chess puzzles and tactics, in an attempt to get motivated to look into being an instructor at local schools. We'll see.
Goodnight you princes of maine, you kings of new england.