"Honored to Have Known You"
seventeensir Poor Horatio. So quick to give, so slow to accept the simplest gift.
Archie's heterosexual life partner. This is the man who didn't just save Archie's life, but his will to live. In return, Archie gave up his good name to ensure Horatio's future. These are two men who will go to the depths of Hell for each other, even if they have no indication that they will come back. They have one of those friendships that has moved beyond the point of "they tell each other everything" and settled into that quiet assurance that they don't need to say anything. Since coming to Luceti, they've been airing out some issues that happened to creep up due to a critical time difference--Horatio comes from three years after Archie's death, so this time is difficult for him. Being with his friend again is a miracle, but it's keeping him from his known duty. The fact that Horatio struggles with this is a source of a lot of doubt for Archie.
yrobtsvt I don't think I much care for your tone, sir.
When they first met aboard the Renown, they were not crazy about each other. As their professional relationship continued, Kennedy began to have some hope for this rather uninspired cookie-cutter officer, starting with his sense of humor. Eventually, the level of corruption he worked on Bush reached a peak with them jumping off a cliff...yeah. In short, the two of them play Spock and McCoy to Horatio's Kirk, when they are together, with Bush being the straightforward Lawful Good type and Kennedy being the more emotional and unpredictable and chaotic. To be cliched, they balance each other as often as they clash. Also, William is just so trollable.
slaying She could break me in half. It's actually very reassuring.
They've sort of taken each other under each others' wings, both having experienced death. One of the deeper instant friendships Archie has made since coming to Luceti. While dating her sister, he had hella inadequacy fears around her, but since Dawn's departure they have grown much closer and he trusts her with a lot. They argue like siblings, and part of it is because they challenge each others' worldview so much. But as they fight and love, they discover more corners of a kindred spirit.
tothelibrary (dropped)
Intelligent and beautiful and neither ashamed nor boastful of either.
A fellow literature and drama enthusiast. There may have been a marriage proposal. He may have been drunk at the time. He may be developing feelings for her anyway. Officially dating. Archie loves romancing Dawn almost more than anything else in Luceti, and she's one of his best friends here. Still, he doesn't open up to her the way she would perhaps like him to, and doesn't always tell her why he goes quiet sometimes.
lists_to_port Bedeviled. Utterly mad. But there's a decent man somewhere in there.
This gets complicated. Initially, they clashed--swords and personalities both. But like it or not, they were the closest thing they had to someone from home for a long time, even separated as they are by almost a century, so Archie would drag him to the bar whenever he was feeling homesick so there was someone who knew the same songs he knows. After a time, Archie grew to like him a lot and even admire him despite himself, and he made a great drinking buddy from time to time. Now, they are great friends, and they will make real sacrifices for one another. Jack is the mentor of Archie's adventurous side, the part of him that would rather be Chaotic Good. However, Jack seems to be able to see into Archie in a way that frightens and angers him a little. Archie has tried to ignore his reservations, but they exist, and sometimes he can't help but be a little afraid of the pirate. They'll throw punches meant to hurt, they'll wrestle like little boys, they'll drink and sing, and they'll save each others' lives. It's fun.
tehoniongirl She is very bold to see the world the way she sees it. It may be her most wonderful quality.
His best Luceti friend, and certainly the one he trusts the most, besides Horatio. They made friends very quickly when they first came to Luceti, and her artistic leanings are a source of fascination for him. There's a lot of mutual trust, and she's one of the few people who knows how he died. She puts him at ease in a way almost no one does, and he knows for certain that she will never, ever judge him. That's not something he has with anyone else he met in Luceti. In an AU event, they were twins, which sort of defined what was already there to begin with. Now, he considers her his sister, and it really has nothing to do anymore with that peculiar AU. They get each other.
hippocraticly One can forgive the man his manners when he cares for people the way he does.
One of the nicer, more sensible doctors Archie has known in his life. Believe it or not. He reminds him of Horatio, if Horatio were grumpy and irascible for no reason all the time, so he treats him a little like an older brother. Which basically consists of mild trolling and a lot of cheering up. Being brothers in an AU event cemented their surrogate siblinghood.
dragons_peak His eyes are blameless. I knew that boy.
He makes Archie think a little of Mr. Wellard and inspires similar protective/empathetic instincts.
whats_a_sneeze Poor woman. I wonder what happened to her.
A weird woman, but he likes her. He was very touched by their first meeting, and has become very protective over her since the draft, almost as if she is a beginner midshipman..
shadedsunlight One wouldn't wish to disappoint Miss Ginia.
She's beautiful and intelligent and geeky and everything he finds attractive in a woman...and she's taken. Damn. Well, he'll just work for her at "Cloud Nine" and learn sign language from her, and then hire her as a crew member on the Britannia.
asobouyo There's nothing wrong with your tactics, Boots. As long as you keep that face, you'll win anything.
He calls her "Boots" (a term used in his time for the youngest officer in the mess) and messes with her head a bit, but all in good fun. He is no more immune to the cute than anyone else, though he's not prone to talking down to her too much. Kids don't usually get too much special treatment from him.
flicker_flash I've never met a creature quite like her. I don't mean that in an insulting way, only she...no, that isn't right, either.
Katie weirds Archie out. He likes her, but never seeks her out. When she's around, she relaxes him. When she's not around, he's disturbed by how easily he opens up to her. She's a puzzlement, though, and as such intrigues him to no end.
straightatem Not sure what to say about him besides that I like him. I like him very much, and he's an excellent cook.
Jack Aubrey seems kind of dumb, most of the time. Keep saying weird things, getting his metaphors mixed up without realizing, and not knowing the meaning of subtlety. Still, there are times when Archie catches glimpses underneath of a brilliant and absolutely inspiring captain, and suddenly understands why Stephen Maturin will follow him to the depths if need be.
halftheduet He's a fine Irishman and a predictably good drinker, and...
Stephen is a puzzlement; eccentric without realizing, brilliant, sort of off in his own little world and unapologetic about having some very radical ideals--which Archie is starting to wonder if he shares.
redheaded_rock If any child in this forsaken place will do well, it will be this one.
Archie has taken this redhead under his wing, as he tends to do with lost young souls. As much as he makes a habit of looking after any parentless child in Luceti, this one he has a real soft spot for. She's very brave, and he respects that very much.
vibrafinal A fellow soldier.
Not a friend, exactly, but someone Archie likes talking with every now and then to compare tactics and viewpoints. Cecil's world puzzles him, but that doesn't stop him from learning about it.
consultmybooks I do believe there is nothing he doesn't know. God help us.
Giles is almost infuriatingly knowledgeable, but that doesn't stop Archie from asking him questions. They've also bonded over being mutually dead--something Archie hasn't really been able to talk about with anyone else who understands. Still, he finds him self-important and is a bit conflicted about that.
intangible_girl I don't like that I pity her. I don't like it at all.
Ingrid is brown-haired and blue-eyed and witty and therefore the sort of woman Archie is very much attracted to, so he has to hold her at arm's length. Still, he tries to help her where he can, but since there's only so much he can do, he mostly pities her. He doesn't like pity as a rule, so she makes him vaguely uncomfortable even as he understands it isn't her fault and likes her anyway.
its_troublesome He's a very decent lad, and older than his years. It was an honor to serve with him.
After they blew up roughly half a rainforest together, there was no turning back. He's much younger, so Archie also feels compelled to make sure he's okay.
derek_bliss I...hrm.
So things got off to an awkward start. So what? What friendship doesn't begin with someone's wrist breaking?
goldenglasses I don't understand him, but I like him very much.
Casual drinking buddy, all-around cool guy.
generalflirt A puzzlement, sometimes, but still just a young man.
Mikado's friend, a little less wide-eyed but Archie still checks up on him every so often.
wise_maiden Mystifying.
She's a comforting presence to him, and a source of endless answers. He feels almost like a child in awe around her.
boomchucka Bright and irrepressible. I'm glad she's here.
Adopted into his flock after they spent some time in the clinic together. She's wild and cheerful and he likes that about her, but her penchant for getting into trouble means she's another kid he looks after.
thatmadbastard One doesn't have to carry a conversation with him, he can carry it himself and you don't even mind.
Guy is somehow refreshing and offensive at the same time, but Archie doesn't always mind being offended. The important thing is, the man has charisma out the wazoo and it's difficult not to enjoy getting caught up in it, even if he seems slightly mad at times. Not dangerous, just off-center, and far be it from Archie to dislike a man simply for being unusual. Guy was almost a navy man, too, and knows and respects the time Archie comes from more than many. That counts for more than anyone can say.
"Almost Too Good for Battle"
People to avoid
originaljackass I shouldn't rely on my charisma to get people to like me, if I were you.
One of "The Jacks;" therefore, someone he doesn't particularly like and is automatically suspicious of. Hasn't done any harm, but he's sort of creepy and manipulative, so Archie avoids him.
poorneedyand Don't make me talk to her.
Not an enemy, but not a comfortable presence, either. She's the spunky-fun writer woman who made him toast when he was in the hospital. Still, she's read the Hornblower books and knows things she shouldn't, and also acts sort of flippantly about them. So she does make him uncomfortable, even though he'll admit she'd be likable to almost anyone else.
abidinglaw Oh good God, not him.
Insufferable and irritating and pompous. Still, after hearing what Jack's said about him, he feels kind of sorry for the man who on some level still represents everything he hated about the navy.
erythrophilia Remarkable.
For a while, they chatted in a friendly (and, on her end, flirty) way as Archie ignored the vague creepy vibes. Then she stabbed him in the back--literally--to take revenge on Jack Sparrow. But she wouldn't kill him. Maybe because she likes him. Maybe because she's growing a conscience. Archie does not know, and wishes he did, and is afraid to find out.
Thanks to
missnoface for doing the HTML code for this chart!