You are killing me!

Jul 16, 2006 17:48

[Over-all well-being|
in fucking gadget lust]
[LSS| Back to School - Deftones]

I hate you to bits. But I freaking love you just the same!

Qosmio or Mac? QOSMIO or MAC? Or should it be Dell? Fujitsu perhaps? But Fujitsu's even more expensive than THE Mac!



Last Friday was... different. For the first time, I have seen my boss angry. It kind of scared me, but not really SCARED-get-me-out-of-this-room-he's-mutating! kind of scared. It was just I'm not used to see him like that.

For a moment, I realized that he is human. Ha.


Despite my mini-celebrations (Dalumpines, 2006) in the workplace, e.g. reports going smoothly, projects being signed-off weeks before expected dates, I feel I am still not complete. I should be happy (and I am, in all honesty) but I feel I could be happiER.

I guess I really miss being a psychologist.

When I was still studying Psyc, I had the time of my life because I know that I am not bad in what I do. In fact, I daresay that I am a good psychologist. I can totally feel that I am learning and achieving something before. I always feel my worth when I am talking to patients, analyzing cases, making recommendations. It may not be apparent to the rest of the world, but I feel I matter. In my own realm, I matter. That made the whole experience richer and more fulfilling, even if I was the only one on the know.

I guess I should be happy that I am given this chance to go this far in a field that I have no background whatsoever. After all, the company took a big risk on hiring me from the get-go. I'm happy to live this part and to learn the ropes, but I came to the realization that no matter how long I stay with a corporate institution, I will never be the best because THIS IS NOT WHAT I DO. And part of my happiness, I owe in my knowing that I can be the best.

I'm contemplating if I should even push through with my MBA next year. Somehow, signing up for a course not related to Psychology or medicine makes a part of me feel cheated.


Suddenly, I have become the girl with no talent.

I used to draw, but I stopped because I don't know what else to draw. The last sketch I did was of Fil. My last painting was of a lily set on a black background for my baby sister's project. That, in its glorious miserable state, is now mounted on the living room wall.

I used to sing. Yes, I did sing before. I was a choir member when I was in elementary. Now I can't sing for obvious baritone reasons.

I used to dance and perform onstage. I did the whole performing arts thing when I was in highschool. I remember my own Highschool Musical. I am the local Sharpay Evans of SMA. Woopah! Anyway, that's all in the past. I can't deliver a line now with a straight face. Or without cussing.

I used to be in sports, would you believe? I played badminton, volleyball and basketball. I even tried swimming. I almost got into the volleyball varsity team but I ditched the try-outs for a COCC training.

I guess I used to be a lot of things. That's rich.


Great. More gadgets! Moving on...
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