"What do you want, Sarah?"

Jan 01, 2007 05:02

As part of my struggle in the Labyrinth, I was drugged and tricked into looking into one of Jareth's magic crystal balls. I haven't told many what was in that crystal ball dream, because most people forget that dreams aren't literal and I refuse to be judged on what was in there. To me, this was no different than a dream in bed asleep, because it was a dream. It wasn't real. In it, I was in a ballroom with a masquerade going on. Everyone in it was dressed and masked, except me. I was dressed beautifully, but I didn't have a mask. I spent part of it searching the crowds, looking for something, while those masked people stared and even seemed to leer. Eventually, an unmasked person emerged - which was Jareth, of course, who had been masked to that point - and we danced, until it didn't feel right and I tore myself from his arms and the crowd and broke the crystal, freeing myself.

To most, it sounds simple, so like a princess finding her prince. But it's not cut and dried - to me, the dream wasn't that at all, despite my tendency to dream and act. All those people were masked, no matter how beautifully dressed, and that was much like I viewed life. People were essentially concealed and in some ways unapproachable because they hid behind the masks they wore and never took them off. Even my mom was like that, hiding behind her status and life.

I was searching for someone who didn't wear a mask, in theory. In real life, someone who was willing to drop those shields and defenses and let me in, since I am like that. Despite forcing myself to be otherwise to keep people from calling me crazy because of the Labyrinth or stopping myself from getting into danger while at Hogwarts, I am still shockingly open and by nature not a mask-wearer, just like I didn't have a mask in the dream.

I want to be let in, as simple as that.

Sarah Williams | Labyrinth | 343 words

(( source))


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