
Dec 01, 2008 14:14

Thing I have learned from the Internet today: Ellen DeGeneres is (was? still is) married to Portia de Rossi. Personally, I find Ellen irritating as a interviewer and unenthralling as a comedienne, but dude: way to bag the hot chick. (Yes, that was incredibly crass. Feel free to leave insulting comments.)

Apparently there are lots of politics involved in recommending stories to people. Which seems a bit weird to me, because surely you just go, (1) read a story, (b) like it, (iii) tell people you read it and liked it?

And the other mostly unrelated thing about the Internet is the way nothing ever vanishes and people can come up to you in 2008 and be all "hey, remember how in 2004 you were talking about cocks with hinges?" and you're all "what the fuck?" and they are all "wayback, dude; *links*". Which, incidentally, is another reason why plagiarism is wrong, because it's incredibly annoying to go out of your way to stay out of search engines, only for people to just run into stolen copies instead. Which, also, if you're going to steal stuff, why wouldn't you make it hard to find? Oh, hang on, because you don't think you're stealing, so you don't care. Hmm.

I still don't know why "Counting To None" always gets the most bat shit feedback out of everything I've ever written.

There are a strangely large number of fics I've read lately that contain something like "if it was wrong, why did it feel so right?" as if this was a perfectly acceptable justification for doing things (generally sexy things, so, yay), except, really, it isn't. Which, and I should stop starting sentences with "which,", is why, for instance, we're not all stuffing ourselves with cake, shooting up heroin, getting drunk, and having massive amounts of unprotected sex with hot strangers. Not that I'm judging you if you are (note: I am totally judging you).

Unrelated to any of this: there should be a law that stops people calling themselves Doctor when the thing they have a doctorate in (e.g. Medicine) is not the thing they are talking about (e.g. Literature). Unless their name is actually Doctor, obviously, because otherwise it would suck a bit to be Mister Doctor Professor, plumber. Or the Doctor, although he could possibly claim to have an actual accredited title in everything, if only by quickly nipping back and time and getting one in the middle of a conversation. (The Doctor is often rude like that.)

NopeSpace is more than a year out of date now, I notice. Oops.

Talking of writing, I've been reading lots of discussions about writing on LJ lately, because instead of doing actual work I just trawl the Internet, and I'm sure lots of it is probably interesting and useful but, and here I think I've worked out why I'll never be a professional writer, mostly I get bored after a few paragraphs and skim because, dudes, if you want to write, just write. Come back and fix it afterwards. Or, you know, if you're me, leave it full of flaws and start something else in the hopes that it will come out better, which probably explains the ten bajillion and one unfinished fics I have. So my advice is probably just as useless to other people. Sweet! Or, you know, not. "Or, you know" is going with "Which," as "things to stop using", along with "random quote marks". And "sentence fragments".

Sidebar: Creevey at Large mostly falls apart because I wrote it around the scene where a debauched Dennis stumbles out of the bathroom and interrupts Harry and Draco's kiss, and the problem with building fic around the middle instead of the end is that you suddenly find you have no end and are forced to flounder around in story-space until one occurs or you end up with the aforementioned unfinished fics.

Sidebar-the-edit: and another reason for the not professional thing, is how I can type "you need with the" instead of "you end up with the" and totally not notice. Stupid brain.

I really should finish my second Yuletide fic, in which two people, in a bank, discuss something unrelated to banks. Or do they?!

prompt reqs

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