Yeah. I kinda forgot about livejournal. Plus there's never anything interesting going on in my life, so there's not much to report usually. Well NOW I have stuff to report....yeah important stuff.
Halo 3 KICKS ASS. It will officially KICK ASS on the 25th of September. The Halo 3 Beta is KICKING ASS right now, in the homes of 300,000 Xbox 360 live subscribers. And I am not one of them, AAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! But my friend is, so I'm not complaining...
ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....hahaha. sorry. I just finished watching those TourettesGuy video's. I was pissing myself laughing. If you haven't seen them...go see them...NOW!!!!
BOB SAGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, take about five minutes to calm down so your not laughing at what you're about to read. (You are most likely Robbie and that one mysterious friend of Robbies who I still don't hear from...but it's understandable, I mostly don't leave comments either, I just type when I'm frustrated, and when I'm now....)
Okay you can laugh at this first thing, but only if you're chronically cynical. Everybody else needs to SHUTUP about it.
At work last friday ( I work for a tiling company for those who don't know...but those who don't know probably aren't reading this), I cut myself. ACCIDENTALLY. It wasn't necessarily a bad cut. It was a reasonably substantial cut, but it's not that big. The skin was separated from the meat is what was bad about it. And it bled, and bled. It bled a lot. Like really, a LOT. SHIT!!!!! BOB SAGET!!!! (sorry couldn't help myself) So I had this little flap of skin on my knuckle, that looked like wing... and It was bleeding a LOT. I ended up getting blood all over the floor. So I go out to the water hose to run some water over my hand before I put a bandage on it. After that I walk back inside the house, and right as I'm about to go see what my co-worker was doing I get this old familiar feeling....I felt like I was about to faint. Quick recap of my history with blacking out.
I blacked out when I was 7 at a birthday party (dehydration)
I blacked out when I was still 7 at school, twice (first was dehydration, second was some bully kicked me in the face...only an hour after I had previously blacked out)
I blacked out when I was 13 on a field trip to some place out at UF. (dehydration)
I blacked out when I was 15 on a field trip to a civil war re-enactment. (dehydration and it was really hot, and they had fake body parts and everything)
I blacked out when I was 16 on a trip to Sea World (dehydration most likely)
I blacked out at three 4-H events that I don't remember, cause they weren't important. (guess, just guess)
And I blacked out on a trip to North Carolina with my church group.(and they played some kinda prank on me while I was out...I'm sure of it, we church folks are crazy. CRAZY!!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT AWWW BOB SAGET!!!!)
Brief history of me blacking out. I dunno why, I just faint real easy I guess. Fast forward. I'm standing outside of the room my co-worker is working in, and I feel dizzy, and I know it's because I lost a lot of blood. So I say to my co-worker (and you can laugh at this) "Hey Brandon I have this history of fainting so it's easier to faint now because I have so much in the past and I'm about to faint right no..."
Exactly how I typed it is how I said it....and then I fell over. Blacked Out. Brandon says I was out for 10 seconds and then I, FIRST got up and THEN opened my eyes, and I don't remember that. Yes it is funny, but I missed work that day, cause I can't do anything after I black out. When I black out. I'm gone for the rest of the day. Even when I wake up, I can't do shit.
So now I'm nursing this very painful cut, and I can't play my guitar AND I'M MAD!!!!!!!!!! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. BOB SAGET!!!!!( this is my new favorite phrase btw)
BOB SAGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's all go away now m'kay?