three dreams

Dec 29, 2008 14:40

In the past 3 nights i've dreamt of her consecutivly

Night one:
Dream forgotten, but the scrent of her face imprinted in the ephemerality of a dream still.

Night two:
She was at my house, amongst other people, when I left the room, perhaps to shower or to tend to other guests she left a letter on rough paper on my yellow chair and dissapeared. The note was written in childish writing, like Chris Bran's christmas cards, and I read the entire content in the dream, a well writen composition, about loss.
Words forgotten.

Night three:
We were at an event with a third person. The city was a merge between bogota and montreal. On the way out we decided to walk, and ran into a group of men which included Brian Loomans and Paul Krisinsky. Paul grabbed me a side and said some words very close to my face, in a flirty way. I think I had a sense of jealousy coming from the other end of the circle of people.
We walked away and didn't make it to my house, but rather to a hotel, where felicia worked as a room cleaner. She walked around cleaning the floors and vacummign the carpets as me and this third person (who was once a girl but turned into an obnoxious guy) looked on.
I think at this point my cat woke me up.

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