Jan 13, 2005 21:20
sound the trumpets, i think i got chiggers in florida. clear nail polish here i come..
so i never actually asked my eng teacher if i could use her as a reference for waycross, bc honestly i didnt think they actually would call her. but no, they send her 4 pages of questions. she was fine with it tho. but there was one about outdoor cooking schools, i told you there would be.
i wish it didnt take me so long to get the dancing down in choir. i mean i will get it eventually, i can feel it, but i just cant quite get it all. its frustrating.
so in yearbook today, ms mann, the afformentioned eng teacher, asked if i knew any leadership bonding games...hahaha only about 20. so i taught them the one where everyone writes down their name on a piece of paper and you sit and circle and there's one empty seat and the goal is to get all guys or all girls in the specified 4 chairs. i think people thought it was stupid, but then they understood it and maybe they didnt...idk.
8 hours (? i think ?) of scheduled singing tomorrow...so i guess we'll see. it'll be interesting, one way or the other.
alrighty, see ya kids later.