Application - Badfic

Mar 08, 2011 16:47

OOC Information:
Name/Alias: Killiana
Age: 22
E-Mail/AIM: killiana @ gmail . com / Midgard Slots
Personal LJ: killiana

IC Information:
Character Name: Kamui Shirou
Character Journal: nootherwish
Canon: X (manga only)
Point in Canon: Volume 19, before arriving at the Tokyo Tower
Age: 15
Birthday: June 22 (headcanon)
Kamui is a short (only about 5'5), skinny teenager with a mess of silky black hair and purple eyes (the linked imagine is colored a little funny). He doesn't have much muscle on him and what he does is wiry and lean. He has long scars on each palm as well as his upper arms, forearms, and thighs from when Fuuma crucified him.

Abilities: Kamui can best be described as an esper. His powers don't fit any particular style or tradition, and he has no specific rituals he must perform in order to use said powers. He simply wills himself to be able to use it and it happens. It typically takes the form of simple balls of energy that Kamui is capable of throwing or simply holding on to while he attacks physically, but he can also form it into crescent-shaped 'blades' of energy that don't necessarily hit harder, but are more likely to leave physical marks on his opponents. Theoretically there's no end to the shapes and styles of energy that Kamui can use, but these are the two that he most often employs.

Kamui's main advantage lays in how powerful he is. He was born to either save or destroy humanity and is easily the most powerful of all the Dragons with the exception of Fuuma (more on this later). He could do a lot with his power. Now, however, he uses his skills much more tentatively, especially since he lacks the ability to form a kekkai of any sort. As a result he appears to have grown weaker over time, though he can still make for a formidable opponent.

Kamui also has some psychic talents. He's not a mind-reader and he never will be, but he has a superb sixth sense when it comes to the other Dragons of Heaven. When one of them puts up a kekkai, he can tell. When that kekkai gets taken down or breaks, he can tell. He can also tell which Dragon raised the kekkai, and why -- for example, during the battle at the Rainbow Bridge, Kamui could tell that Subaru was fighting Seishirou. He's also capable of telling if an earthquake was caused by the falling of one of Tokyo's key kekkai. He also has an ability to sense magic in general -- not the specifics of such, usually, but that it is present and often times the degree of power behind it and the type of magic it is (illusion, barrier, a magical construct, etc.).

Theoretically, Kamui is also capable of forming a kekkai like the rest of the Dragons of Heaven. This particular form of kekkai is a protective barrier that only people connected to the end of days are capable of entering and is created by the desire to protect someone or something. Anything contained within the kekkai is cut into a separate dimension and nothing that happens there will be carried over to the real world, provided the kekkai's creator takes the barrier down willingly. If they're killed, injured to the point that they can't maintain the kekkai, or if the person or object they desire to protect is destroyed, the kekkai falls and all the damage that was dealt within it is carried over to the real world. Again, Kamui is capable of forming one of these barriers, but only in theory. It's been stated that he'll only gain the ability when he realizes what his true wish is, and that's unlikely to happen any time soon.

Finally, Kamui also has one of two holy swords, also called the Shinken. Despite having no formal training in sword use, Kamui seems capable of competently wielding the sword. The sword's full range of abilities is not shown in canon. Two distinct points, though, are that it can shoot lightning (which Kamui is never seen using it for) and appears to semi-possess Kamui in order to push him in the right direction in regards to the end of the world.

Personality: At the core of his personality, Kamui Shirou is a caring person with a strong sense of responsibility. He's been raised most of his life knowing that he would be involved in the end of the world and he never once tried to shirk his duty, even though he didn't always know what exactly it was he would have to do. He knows he's important to the future and knows that trying to neglect or shy away from what he has to do would be incredibly selfish, and damn all of the people he loves and cares about. However, his importance doesn't got to his head. He's not arrogant about it.

He cares about a great many, as well. The Dragons of Heaven and Keiichi, Kotori even though she's dead and gone, Fuuma in spite of everything that's happened, his mother, the rest of the Monou family, his mother's sister Tokiko, and even one or two of the Dragons of Earth he might go out of his way to protect. It works to his disadvantage, frequently, and people around him are often badly injured due to being associated with him and his association with the end of the world. His mother, for example, was meant to give birth to the Holy Sword, though Fuuma and Kotori's mother Saya did so in her stead, and his aunt Tokiko gave birth to the second. This killed both of them, painfully and messily, and Kamui believes, knows, that if they had not been associated with him they wouldn't have died. Fuuma wouldn't have been forced into his role as the other Kamui if he hadn't associated with him, and Kotori wouldn't have died either. He does blame himself for this, though he doesn't wallow in it.

He used to try to solve this problem by pushing people away however he could -- being blunt and rude, ignoring them, telling them to go away or shut up. In this state he was unusually violent, willing to wreck buildings or even kill people to keep himself (or others, though he wouldn't admit it at the time) safe. To him it was, and still is in some cases, much better for them to be hurt by his coldness and rejection than to be seriously injured or even killed for being too close to him. These efforts are forced and somewhat awkward, and people that know him well (or barely know him at all, in the case of Sorata) can often tell that he's not actually cold or harsh, just trying to be. It doesn't always work, though. Kamui is, by nature, a kind and compassionate individual and it's hard for him to continue to shove people away once they've already managed to get even a little close to him (again, such as with Sorata). By now he's mostly been pried out of his habit of rejecting people, especially since joining the Dragons of Heaven, but there's always chance he might fall back into old behavior.

He's rarely like that anymore, though, and Kamui's kind nature often shows through. He can be a little too quick to get attached to people, even though he doesn't reach out to connect with others on his own. He's found a good friend in each individual Dragon of Heaven through various means. Though he can be easily overwhelmed, especially by bright, perky, and cheerful people, he still makes at least a token effort to socialize if approached by another person, even if he's uncertain and awkward the entire time. Anyone willing to stick around long enough to see past all the awkwardness will be impressed, though -- despite initial impressions, Kamui is a very friendly and attentive person, though no matter how well he knows someone he's always quiet.

It can work against him, though. Kamui can be too concerned with other people and not nearly enough with himself. Though he was usually careful to take care of himself, since Kotori's death he's been prone to not eating and taking care of everyone else's injuries while forgetting his own. He doesn't forget or make these mistakes on accident (or not always, at least) but many of them are intentional if often sub-conscious decisions.

On that note, he has a guilt complex that stretches for untold miles. He doesn't wallow in it, but Kamui holds himself responsible for many things -- his inability to defeat Fuuma, the steady destruction of Tokyo, the loss of Subaru's eye, the deaths of his mother and aunt, Kotori and the rest of the Monou family, Keiichi's parents and everyone else that's died because of the Dragons of Earth. He sees these events as his responsibility, things he could have prevented if he's only been faster, stronger, or more resolved. He's constantly driven to do better so that he can protect everyone that matters to him, as well as all the other people of the world. It's his role to watch over and protect them as best he can, so he's going to do exactly that.

Of course, now that Kamui has decided that saving the world is his responsibility, he's gotten a little too quick to take many, many other things as his responsibility, as well. Not only is he going to stop humanity from being destroyed, he's also going to get Fuuma back, and he's also going to protect the other Dragons of Heaven, and he's also going to protect the people of Tokyo, and he's going to do his best to make Keiichi happy, and he's going to try to live up to what he feels are the expectations of those he cares about. In short, Kamui is ruled by his heart instead of his head.

This isn't entirely a good thing, though. In exchange for being kind, caring, responsible, and largely selfless, Kamui has been burdened with a temper like lit dynamite. It can take a lot to set him off, but once someone does it's very obvious that he's been made angry. He tends to lash out, be it verbally, physically, or magically. When he was still trying to drive people away he let his temper run wild, preferring to start violent fights when it snapped. Now that he's trying to keep his important people close he has better control over said temper and is more likely to just snap at them. He tries to not let his temper snap at all, of course, but Kamui is still human, and only 15 at that. Despite his best efforts, he's still only human.

He has a will like reinforced steel, though. In spite of everything that's happened to him -- the death of his mother, aunt, and Saya, the brutal murder of Kotori, Fuuma's betrayal, and the many other hardships that have befallen both himself and his companions -- Kamui still hasn't given up. He's broken a few times, but never in a way that's permanently stopped him.

Strengths: ✔ Lots of raw physical and magical power
✔ Sixth sense with regards to fellow Dragons of Heaven
✔ General ability to sense magic
✔ Tenacity
✔ Intelligence
✔ Doesn't give up when most people would

Weaknesses: ✘ Too caring for his own good
✘ Extremely short-tempered
✘ 'Doom magnetism' with regards to the end of the world
✘ Prone to faltering after injuring Fuuma
✘ Guilt complex
✘ Does not realize what his actual wish is
✘ Doesn't give up when most people would
✘ Existing in a series created by CLAMP

History: Kamui was born to either ultimately save humanity as the leader of the seven Dragon of Heaven, or fulfill the earth's wish as the leader of the seven Dragon of Earth and remove the scourge of humanity from its surface, so that it could begin again with a fresh, clean slate and heal from the damage that humanity had dealt it. Two years before Kamui, Fuuma Monou had been born as Kamui's twin star; whichever side Kamui chose to side with, Fuuma would join the other side in his place. If he chose to save humanity, Fuuma would be pressed into destroying it. If he chose to destroy humanity, Fuuma would be pressed into saving it.

But Kamui wouldn't know about this for a long time.

Kamui was born to Tohru Shirou (formerly Tohru Magami) and a father he never knew. Because of his absentee father and the fact that Tohru and Kamui were constantly moving from city to city, Kamui was ostracized by his peers and never had any friends -- until he moved in across the street from the Monou family and met Kotori and Fuuma Monou. The three of them became close friends, making a promise to always protect each other no matter what. But one day Saya Monou, Fuuma and Kotori's mother, died an abrupt, bloody death (in the process of 'giving birth' to the Holy Sword that Kamui was to use in the final battle) and Tohru and Kamui moved to Okinawa without even staying for the funeral. Tohru explained to Kamui that Saya had died to protect them, and that they were moving away so that no one from the Monou family would even be hurt by them again. It was then that Tohru told Kamui about his destiny -- or part of it, at least. She told him that because of who he was he could change fate and destiny, and prevent humanity from being destroyed.

Kamui lived in relative happiness with Tohru until he was fifteen, when their house caught fire. Tohru died and held Kamui back from entering the house with her power, and simply told him to return to Tokyo to seek out his destiny. By the time Kamui actually reached Tokyo he had taken on a harsh, cruel persona in the hopes of driving Kotori and Fuuma away and preventing them from being hurt. As time passed, Kamui came to meet and know both the Dragons of Heaven and several Dragons of Earth, as well as his aunt Tokiko (who died giving birth to the second Holy Sword) and eventually decided to protect the world where Fuuma and Kotori could exist happily, and decided to side with the Dragons of Heaven and save humanity.

He wasn't aware that this would force Fuuma to side with the Dragons of Earth. Fuuma abruptly attacked and crucified Kamui, murdered Kotori, and stole fled the scene. Kamui had to be pulled out of his ensuing comatose state by Subaru, and has since then been fighting a battle against the Dragons of Earth, trying and occasionally succeeding at preventing the opposing group from destroying the key points in Tokyo that kept the world from being destroyed.

First Person Sample: [The video feed clicks on to show a very unhappy looking teenager standing in a fairly nondescript room.] Hello? There's something that can hear this right? [Kamui pauses for a moment before frowning even more.] I need to know how to get out of this place. I have-- I can't stay here. There's something I have to do back home.

[There's a another pause, longer than the first, before Kamui visibly forces himself to calm down.] My name is Kamui. If anyone can help me... I'd really appreciate it. Even if you can only just tell me where I am.

[...] Thank you.

In addition: A thread at dear_mun.
An additional thread at dear_mun.
Kamui's intro at Marinasylum, an InsaneJournal RP.
All of Kamui's post and tags at Marina.

Third Person Sample: Kamui was sure he looked odd. The red cloak still draped around his arms was hardly normal, and the sword in his hands wasn't exactly someone everyone else had. And he knew he looked young, even if he wasn't directly thinking about it. The whole situation totaled up to make him feel very self-conscious and awkward and anxious. And that wasn't even counting what Kamui had been in the middle of before suddenly showing up in a strange house in a strange place with a whole lot of no one he knew around.

Of course, when he did start thinking about it he just got even more nervous. He'd been going to see Fuuma again. The fact chewed and nagged and tugged on his mind. He'd been about to see Fuuma again... and now he wasn't even sure he'd be able to ever. He had to figure out where he was.

That thought was what finally prompted him to start forward with a steady, determined stride. He moved across the entryway floor and towards the first door he saw. He had no idea where he was and maybe he shouldn't have been invading, but he hardly even cared at that moment. He had to figure out a way out of here and a way back to Tokyo.

Links: X the series @ Wikipedia, Kamui Shirou @ Wikipedia, and a random Kamui fanshrine

Notes: I play Kamui with a fair amount of of headcanon in mind. I will list the relevant pieces in chronological order, in bullet form, for the ease of reading. None of this is forever set in stone, especially not headcanon that would directly impact any of Kamui's castmates.

✔ Kamui was born in Fukuoka, Japan on June 22, 1983.
✔ Tohru was a single mother that left home while she was just barely out of highscool. She and Kamui never went hungry, but she never had a lot of money to spare and they always lived in very small apartments and homes.
✔ In Okinawa, Kamui grew a fondness for walking on the beach in the very early hours of the morning.
✔ Not long after moving to Okinawa Kamui's powers began to awaken. His classmates began to make a habit of outright avoiding him, as odd things tended to happen to people and objects around him when he was picked on.

As for things not directly related to his history...
✔ Kamui loves fruits and vegetables of almost all kinds, and a large part of his diet consists of such. Contrasty, overly greasy, processed, and preserved food has a tendency to make him ill.
✔ Kamui's favorite pastime is reading, particularly about history and folk lore. Given the opportunity he will spend hours at a time devouring books.
✔ Due to a lack of money, he knows very little of pop culture. Only the extremely popular titles from the mid- to -late eighties and nineties will ding on his radar.
✔ Kamui true wish is the same reason he decided to become a Dragon of Heaven: to protect the world where Fuuma and Kotori can exist happily. (Note: This will never ever actually become relevant or be mentioned ICly, and will obviously change if CLAMP continues the series and says otherwise).

Bonus: Keri and Birdy. :|
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