Russell Howard & Jon Richardson radio show (semi-pimpage) - xpost

Dec 02, 2008 01:01

I should explain. I made the above manip for the comm's profile page a while ago, having gotten seriously hooked on the Russell Howard and Jon Richardson show, formerly on BBC's 6music radio. I'd planned to do a *proper* pimpage post to follow it up. I never did. This isn't that post post, because I am too lazy and tired. I listened to an episode of the show this morning, for the first time in a while, and the boys were just so adorable together I decided to break my resolve not to read RPS anymore. Naturally, it only took me about 5 minutes to find Russ/Jon slash on LJ. Dontcha love the internets? I also found something else, which you all should go and take a look at, RIGHT NOW. Incidentally, those of you who've seen Russell's new DVD should know that Jon's the OCD friend he talks about at the beginning of his routine :)

Anyhow, the show is funny and silly and sweet and oh, so slashy. If the above link (and in particular the amazing last pic) didn't persuade you to check it out, something is clearly wrong with you. Still, perhaps these clips will help...

Rightclick+save for all media, with thanks to krabbypatty for the bandwidth.

First off, a couple of vids ripped off YouTube:

* Russell Howard gets made up (or, watch it on YouTube here)

* Jon and Russell get dressed up (or, watch it on YouTube here.)

Now, some random clips I've ripped from the show, note that these aren't the slashiest or the funniest, just some stuff that was in a few eps I actually ripped, there's epic hoyay in almost every ep!

* Jon is worried about being replaced and Russ reassures him with kisses.

* The lads discuss what to have for a meal, Jon is bitter because Russ doesn't appreciate his cooking.

* Understandably, a listener asks if the guys are married.

* They're not fooling anyone.

* Jon gives relationship advice to a listener, and the discussion inevitably turns to Jon and Russ bumming each other.

* A relationship advice letter from a listener hits too close to home for Jon... who makes a silly pun and quickly changes the subject.

* Jon accidentally invites a man to his hotel room and Russ is jealous. Russ is the campest.

* Russ likes putting things up his bum.

* Russ also like tickling Jon's bum and feeling it up.

* Jon is upset because Russ took someone else to *their* restaurant.

* Jon's mean to Russ on the Tube, after he'd been a sweetie and made him tea in the morning.

* Jon refuses to pop it in.

* Russ eats off Jon's plate.

* Jon can get a bit bitter about not getting the proper attention from Russ.

They are so much fun to listen to while going on walks or on the bus, though you do tend to get funny looks from people when your sporfle. Or get a huge silly happy grin on your face, for no apparent reason.

You can get almost all the episodes here, after you sign up:

There are 2-3 eps that aren't there, you just have to do a little search on the site for them. Most of them are also available @UK_A.

What, are you still here???? GO!!!

clips, recs: youtube & fanvids, pimpage, radio, slash, media

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