Another LJ-related PSA, new pic feed this time

Oct 18, 2006 19:22

Via soul4poetry, her post lifted word for word.

>>>>Got this info from funnypandachick:
Heard of a community called iconscraper?
It's a community that is using LJ's recent pictures feed to randomly grab icons, pics and small graphics posted anywhere on LJ at any given time and post them as icon posts for people to snag. AND it's hotlinking every single picture it's posting. Like 200+ pictures per post all hotlinked from various places on LJ. There are thousands of icons and even what looks to be personal pictures being hotlinked from LJ posts and posted in the iconscraper community.
Of course there is no credit given or even acknowledgment or explanation. It's been reported to LJ by some people already, however there is strength in numbers.
This is what you need to do to stop your stuff being hotlinked, if you would like to do so:
"If you wish for images you post to not be included in the Latest Images feed, you may go to LJ Admin Console and type:
set latest_optout yes
This will prevent your images from being included in this feed. The feed also does not contain images posted with the Friends-Only or Private security at time of posting." <<<<

tech, lj, psa

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