Title: Say It
magpieintheskyDate Written: March 24, 2009
Written For:
him_tbbt_100Team: The Woo Girls
Word Count: 300
Prompt: Curse Words
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters/Pairings: Robin, Ensemble
Rating/Warnings: PG-15 for a harsh, sexually-derived curse word
Author's Notes: Set in a vague, future-type environment. The gang goes to see “The Vagina Monologues” and discusses.
Lily, if you put that play on, I would watch you anytime,” Barney smirked as they walked out of the theater.
“Nice try, Barney, but as you saw, no one actually showed her vagina, each actress just talked about them,” Ted corrected.
“Well, I would support Lily if she did perform in the Monologues, especially considering how empowering they are,” Marshall smiled at Lily.
Robin rolled her eyes. “Marshall, you’re such a Bob.” Marshall and Lily shared a loving glance and grinned.
“Woah, Marshall! You like to look at it!? Twat stare five!”
The other four glared. “BARNEY!”
As they walked down the sidewalk, having moved on to another topic, Robin redirected the group’s thoughts to the play.
“Okay, so Marshall’s and Lily’s favorite was clearly the Bob monologue, what about everyone else? Mine was the spotlight monologue.”
Ted paused to think about it. “Hmmm... perhaps ‘The Vagina Workshop’? There was something about the woman’s personality that spoke to me.”
Lily coughed, “pretentious ass,” and coughed again.
“And mine,” Barney grinned triumphantly, “is ‘Reclaiming Cunt.’ Story of my life. Am I right?” Everyone groaned. “Okay, okay,” he conceded. “I guess it is more like The Moaner. What up!”
The gang was at the usual booth a few weeks later, and Robin knew she had to tell them. “The Vagina Monologues” had reminded her of the big issues that had inspired her to become a reporter in the first place, and she was itching to do something about it and make a difference. She had been researching the work V - Day was doing in Africa, and she knew the impact of international reporting there. Shit, was she really doing this?
“Hey guys?”
The rest of the group looked at her, prepared for something funny.
“I’m going to Morocco.”