Jun 30, 2004 22:29
every decision i make is the wrong one and its all starting to backfire.
im so sick of boyfriend and girlfriends being all cute and exclusive.
last night was one of the worst yet.
makela and marissa are both gone for a while ill miss them dearly but maybe its for the better i need time away from the drama rama. drama is really not for me.
i always feel like im not wanted and sometimes i kknow im not and it makes me want to curl up into a little microspcopic ball then turn invisible and just run right out the dorr and never come back. i was thinking about this last night. its the worst when u know ure not wanted because its all couples and shit and ure like ughhhhhh ill be in the other room... not that anyone cares or anything NOT THAT ANYONE EVEN HEARS ME.
im so nervous and anxious and i dont know why......