Oct 04, 2004 14:58
iiiii pissed off a security guard at HCC today :-D
a car cut me off as i was leaving so i had to go out a different way, and i was looking for a place to turn around when i saw a sign that said "do not enter" ::evil grin:: wwelll i saw the security guard in there but was like, what the hell, soo....
I drive up, guard steps in my way so i turn off my radio (windows already down)
Me: "I just need to turn around"
Guard: "Didnt you see the big "do not enter sign"
Me: "yeah, but i needed to turn around"
Guard: "You could have turned around over there"
Me: "Yeah, but its easier for me to turn around here (lol, that was BS, but whatever)But yeah, i need to turn around and ur in the way, so..."
The guard actually moved... not that he had a choice, there was a car coming from the other direction :-D. so i turned around and went along my ,erry way :-P