Feb 04, 2013 20:14
I can't be the only defective human, right? That would be just too vain of me to assume.
Maybe one day I'll magically fix myself. Or maybe I'll just find other defective humans and live happily ever after in a beautiful chaos of mistakes and filthy habits, unconsciously overlooked by everyone because of our painfully honest and bright eyes.
But one day our secret will come uncovered and we'll finally be seen for what we truly are - bright-eyed pieces of shit.
And we'll be separated and chased around the corners of the world; we'll run from THEM, from US and from ourseldie in a gutter, abandoned and rightfully hated. Well, who am I kidding? I'll die in the gutter, abandoned and rightfully hated, alone and beautifully defective.
Oh well. I'm off to prepare my cheerful persona for tomorrow. It needs some minor cleaning and ironing. Hope it fits as well as it did last week. If not, I guess I'll just have to drink some hot glass and snack on glitter pellets - that's ought to help, right?