Nov 14, 2004 20:26
Hmmmmmmmm......good weekend, went to Cambridge and visited a girl I met on myspace named Jen, she was really cool and fun to hang out with. Got home at like 5:30 in the morning......Hopefully we'll see each other again sometime soon. Didn't really do too much else this weekend except work. Oh no wait, went to McDonalds and put pylons in the drive-thru, cars drive pull in and then have to back out of the drive-thru and drive away cause they think it's closed haha. Then some guy whipped his cock out right in the drive-thru and started pissing, what the fuck is that, there were bushes like 2 feet away, but apparently he liked the smacking noise his piss made as it hit the pavement..... We shone my van's lights on him and he didn't even flinch, then we drove past and honked, he just kept going.......right there with even other cars in the drive-thru. Fucking guy's pretty daring and brave. So then we watched the pylons in the drive-thru some more.....Katie came up with the idea to put one of the garbage cans in the trash compactor so Steve and I hoisted it up and over a wall and then crushed that motherfucker good hyuck hyuck. Garbage can crushing is loud, so then we decided to leave. Well those are all of my crazy adventures for now. Maybe more will surface later. Form of Rocket is like the best band ever. Everyone should check them out for sure, go to their website and download songs off their mp3 page. They are my new love. More addictive than heroin and hardly as harmful. So anyway, I'm going to go and do nothing. I get a new computer on Wednesday, I'm excited. Lots of good stuff this week like three concerts and a new computer. I'm having an orgasm as we speak, or well as I type to this non-speaking webpage, "Hello? can you hear me?" I mean "orgasm" that's the noise I'm making right now.....ya. But anyway, I think I'm fucking retarded right now, but in a really good mood and very talkative, which is kind of weird, but good at the same time. So I'll just keep typing and writing about nothing. No wait, no I won't, bye for now. Alex where are you? Alex apparently fell asleep in her chair again or something haha who knows, she just stopped talking to me and now I'm feeling depressed and suicidal, just kidding, although both of those are not joking matters kiddies. But like I said, I'm going to eat, I mean going to do nothing. Eating cookies is good for my teeth, they get a work-out. Work-out teeth indeed. Mewithoutyou on Tuesday, good times for sure. Work-out my teeth time though, seriously, bye. Oh and I must call Jen from Montreal. Alex one time thought that I thought I loved Jen. That was funny, I like making Alex not know what to say because it doesn't happen very often. Except right now I made her not know what to say or something. It has been exactly 30 minutes since she last talked to me. I'm beginning to get concerned, one of the crazy plants in her backyard got her I think. "Alex are you there?" "Help Jeffrey the plant's are attacking me" and then Alex is eaten by a plant and I am too. *The end* That was my amazing story with dialogue and everything. I must go peeeeeeeeeee now, maybe on pavement to try and re-create the smacking noise that the creepy man seemed to like a little too much. Damn plastic lip ring and it's ball always not staying where it's supposed to be, it always comes unattached from the ring and then falls off in my mouth, then I have balls in my mouth.....I mean...I've already lost two lip ring balls. Honestly how hard is it for balls to stay attached? I have two and they tend to stay attached quite well. I guess those are different from this kind of ball though. But still, they should take a hint from my balls and stay attached to what they are supposed to be attached to. I'm a fucking sketchbag tonight and that was the longest journal entry ever about nothing, wow I'm talented. Sack Full Of Smashed Assholes, go Form of Rocket, like I said, best band ever. Oh I'm actually going now..................I'll write about interesting stuff on Wednesday after the concert.