geekyfruitdork Do you know anyone in prison at the present moment?
.::. No, although I suspect a conspiracy with local police and high school administrators to have my brother end up in one.
Have you filed your taxes yet?
.::. My father did them for me... I never touched my W-2s, and I already have both refunds.
When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
.::. I don't think I've ever had PB & J.
Do you have a desk in your room?
.::. Yes, but it's covered with papers and random junk. I just found part of the bottom last week, after about ten months of cleaning slowly.
Have you ever gotten naked at a party?
.::. Not that I'm aware of. I hope to God not.
What kind of car do you have?
.::. Mercury Tracer, mine in propriety.
Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents?
.::. My middle name is shared with my grandmother, and my first name comes from a great-aunt. No one knows what happened to her, and sadly it seems she fell off the earth right around the time I was born.
Do you throw up gang signs?
.::. Not that I'm conscious of.
Have you ever broken a rib?
.::. Nope... I've never had a broken bone *knock on wood*.
Who is the most spoiled person you know?
.::. The one most rightly spoiled is my puppy dog (who is superior to a person, if only in her own mind). The most unjustly one would be my little sister. She's not only spoiled rotten, but also about to turn 13. A double-threat which creates an absolutely hellish example of the devil's spawn in my own household.
Would you rather have a million dollars or true love?
.::. With a million dollars and some wise investing, I can buy love that would be true enough!
Have you ever had sex in church?
.::. I haven't been to church in years. I'm a touch afraid of burning up upon entry.
Do you watch the Grammys?
.::. Not since I was a teeny bopper in love with NSync.
Would you ever work for the border patrol?
.::. As interesting as I find the Minute Men, I would rather not work in that area... I enjoy the cold too much!
Which one word would describe your relationship?
.::. Fantasy.
Would you rather date someone 2 years younger than you or 20 years older?
.::. Statistically speaking, I would prefer the two years younger, but if the right 42 year old came along, I'd go for it.
Do you have a porn collection?
.::. I saw too many porn files backed up to ever see the appeal. In person is just a tad more interesting.
Have you ever been in an interracial relationship?
.::. Nope.
Is your birthday on a holiday??
.::. Not as of yet, but it will be... Actually, sometimes it ends up on Rosh Hashanah.
Do you have any friends or family in the war right now?
.::. No.
Do you worry about global warming?
.::. Yes, but really only as it concerns polar bears. Humans, if the planet kills them, we really have to admit we have it coming. But the poor polar bears did nothing wrong, and now they're starving and drowning. It's completely unfair.
Do you like polar bears?
.::. Huh... I actually didn't see this question before I answered the last one. I think polar bears are adorable, and yes, I know they're vicious. They're bears, not public accounts! Of course they'd attack a human. ... They also remind me of my doggie, not the blood-thirsty part, but their little looks and body gestures.
Have you ever been cheated on?
.::. Don't believe so...
What slang word(s) do you call marijuana?
.::. Pot
Are you an atheist?
.::. Bitterly cynical is a better way of putting it...
Did you lose your virginity to your neighbor?
.::. My mother won't let us talk to our neighbors... The only thing I know about our current ones is ducks swim in their pool.
Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true?
.::. My adult dreams won't come true, why should the childhood ones?
Do you wear your sweetie's clothes?
.::. Given my mood and cold medicine, I answer thusly: Bite me, questionnaire.
What's your opinion on gold?
.::. As an investment, a wise one. Perhaps wiser then the stock market. For jewelry, I think most people would be safer sticking to silver.
Are you a country boy/girl or city slicker?
.::. I like stereotypical falls... I can't jump into leaf piles in a city!