Fresh Obsessed.

Feb 26, 2009 17:32

It's nice to see LJ friends updating their journals every so often and although I haven't been commenting on posts much the past couple of months, I am definitely still reading/viewing them!

Since I still log onto LiveJournal, I really have no excuse as to why I haven't posted since last year. I guess I've just been busy with other things and haven't really had the time to sit down and think of anything to write. Don't get me wrong, I surely have many (life-altering) things to blog and share about since my last post, but I enjoy taking it all in mentally and smiling about it to myself. I can be selfish like that :) Plus, I wanted to give my journal a little make-over before going public again. So i changed my layout and decided to make all my previous posts (all 3+ years) private... So for mine eyes only. I was also thinking of deleting this entire account and creating a whole new one but that's just plain annoying. And while I was making every single entry private, I was able to look back and re-read most of those past entries. Even though the negative entries outweighed the good memories, it never hurts to be reminded of everything and everyone that has helped me get to where I am now, into the person I am today. I have lived and learned from the past, and for that I am thankful. I can only grow from here on in.

So as I start this from 'scratch' once again, I only look forward to all the amazing things I can share with you guys as I go through some new and amazing experiences... as well as what I learn from them. It's as if each and every day seems better and brighter than the last. All I can really say is that my life has just been simply wonderful.

+ + +

I re-read an entry that I posted approximately two years ago with news about my sister and how everything would be so different from that day forward; how life-changing it would all be... and it definitely was. How much more personal is that life-change for me now that I can say I have personally been in and still am in her shoes. I doubt that I would have been anywhere close to pin-pointing her exact thoughts and emotions if I tried to at that time, and even now I can't even begin to explain that feeling or sudden rush. And I guess I use the word 'rush' because it all happened so quickly, yet I can remember all the time and thought I put into those decisions I chose to make --that we chose to make, knowing that going through with everything would change our lives forever; that YOU would change our lives forever.

It's something you simply can't explain because you just know. With or without certain circumstances, you just know if he or she is that person, you just know that you can do it, you just know that this is what has been planned for your life. As days and months have passed, I still feel it; a different kind of rush --one that only a wife or mother-to-be can explain. Hmmm. And alongside that rush I feel this strength I've never felt before. A strength that kindly reminds me that I just know I was meant for you; for the both of you.

♥ ♥ ♥

What lovely weather we had today; can't wait for the sunshine, can't wait til May :)

Note: This journal title is in loving memory of my favourite grocery store by my house... Dominion, which has now been turned into Metro.
(They got rid of the fresh gelato!!! What the whack.)
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