Mar 21, 2006 17:45
Chaotic Madness - it's the only way I can sum up the last 2 days. Not altogether sure what is going on in Dudley but people seem to become more rude and less articulate. At this rate they will be grunting and banging fists on the desks by the end of the week.
We are short staffed again which of course means juggling 3 different jobs whilst smiling sweetly at the punters whilst they shout and abuse you *huzzah*
Not too impressed with an asylum seeker I had today who proceeded to tell me how stupid this country is with its stupid laws and that I must give him money. Now I am not against people coming in but excuse me.. the reason he wasn't being paid was because he had not brought in the documents pertaining to his wife's refusal of asylum even though we have asked him for them 3 times and up to that point he had been paid for by NASS went onto JSA now he is sick and on Income support and can still make a backdated claim to when he first applied for asylum.
Had a nice weekend, nothing too wild as finances are a bit iffy and I have to go on some works night out this Friday. I have one night out a month at the mo so not over the moon that it has to be with work colleagues.. still we will all be going our seperate ways soon so I shouldn't quibble to much.
Did the usual chores on Saturday and then in the evening went over to the Gothic Castle only Itsy and Bitsy were going out so stayed in with the boy Ninpot and watched Rammstein videos. I tell ya there are worse ways to pass the time... crikey if Rchard Z was any more yummy he'd come with a health warning!
Sunday was just spent with the boy in various stages of slothness but he went home fairly early as he had a 5am start on Monday. He is going to be away all week as the office have booked him 42 calls to do!! WTF!! taking the piss but really what can you do - we all have to go with bosses and their ridiculous demands as they pay your wages.
Anyhoo I am off home as I have had enough what I haven't done will have to wait for the morning.