
May 26, 2007 03:26

I'm about as stupid as I am nothing to no one. I'd have to say it's easier being on the other end, pretending to feel bad just to make yourself not seem like such a jerk... Not like it's your fault or anything. Do whatever the hell you want.

I think someone is having sex above me... there is crazy noises coming from outside...

Would u get mad if someone didn't believe your lies? like they didn't trust you? you know, because you lie? Is it fair for you to get mad at them? I saw so many people fighting today... It was gay pride night at Great America. Lots of queers were running into their exes and fights were erupting... I was a witness to one and heard several others. All domestic, he said that, he did this...

The noises are far and few... are they taking breaks?

What the hell am I angry at? more or less myself, and I don't understand why, and it only makes me more angry. Giving up and giving in are such easy solutions... use, abuse, and take advantage of the weak. how the hell do I use myself?

The sounds have stopped... probably less than fully satisfying.

The people you least suspect are the ones you should respect. Out of nowhere they come, they are few to none.

Crazy, she is screaming. Sounds like he did something right. Oh, nevermind apparently he's hurting her, he better slow down.

I deserve this, for whatever reason, i deserve this... will they get the same treatment?

its almost 4am, and some couple just got some under the witness of my peeping ears.

It's too late... If I had only known sooner, I may have saved myself. It's too late now, in too deep. Only thing left to do is go deeper. Darker. We all deserve this, it's our punishment for being born, for being human. Those who die young die innocent. The rest, we are sinners.

"What just happened here?" -Some gay dude hitting on me...
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