Jul 24, 2003 22:46

Im not so into pouring my heart out to you anymore Lj, but im dying here... so i need to say something...

I kind of wish that someone would remove all my insides... or my nerves.... so that i couldnt feel anymore... no more feelings. no more getting hurt.

I really liked him too...
...he said he was sorry
...i cant stop crying... feeling like crap
WHY THE FUCK AM A ALWAYS FUCKED IN THE END!? ALWAYS! WITH EVERONE! every fucking guy that i meet, ive been with all different ones.... shapes sizes personallities, i hate them all in the end, because they all hurt me.

i hate my life.

there is nothing to laugh about... and im all cried out.... keep laughing lara.... im laughing with you. i love you.

im going to go... whats the expression... sulk or something in the nothingness that is my life... lol, i so dont remember it.


You are stretchpants and legwarmers!
"Fame" and "Flashdance"
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Can you handle it? I'm G.I. Joe!
The ultimate macho toy for young boys, you have a
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universe. And you have become considerably more
buff recently, bravo!

What late '80's to early '90's toy are you?
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img src="http://images.quizilla.com/S/sondra.dee/1058594957_ionsferris.jpg" border="0" alt="FerrisBueller">
You're Ferris Bueller's Day Off! A hilarious comedy
about every teenager's dream: cutting school
with your friends, having fun and getting away
with it!

What '80s Teen Movie are You?
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You are a Care Bear! You get along with anyone and
everyone. You make friends with everyone you
meet. When someone is feeling sad your love
cheering them up. You are very lovable!

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You are Smurfette

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best for last... gattah love it
u is 100% crip

how many percent crip iz u..?
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