I don’t get preoccupied these days like I used to. I was pondering and sort of racking my memory to try to come up with a time I was sidetracked when it suddenly struck me that my attention had been diverted fairly recently by a bit of an odd item.
First, a little relevant background: I found LiveJournal in a slightly roundabout way through my favorite radio station. I used to regularly read their awesome blog that a fellow named Atropos was kind enough to write for them, and he hosted it right here on LiveJournal. One day when I was at loose ends, I started poking around more on this site I knew pretty much nothing about. Up to that point, it was simply where I knew I could read funny updates centered around a radio show I’d been a fan of for better than twelve years. As I explored, I found this forum full of an amazing variety of online communities and journals. I rapidly became engrossed and made an account almost immediately so I could start jumping in whole hog to a few of the groups.
A couple or so years ago, real life started to interfere too much for Atropos to be able to keep up his daily blogging efforts, but I was well and truly hooked by that time. Even though the blog has mostly fallen by the wayside, I remain firmly enamored with both the radio show and LJ. The show which airs during morning drive time has been in place for probably close to twenty years now, and for that whole time it has carried the moniker the “Radio from Hell” show, or just Radio from Hell which is also abbreviated to RFH quite often. They’ve pretty much always been a highly rated morning show in this market, and they’ve even been number one for some time. I’d guess that most marketing professionals would tell you that you don’t get to the top or stay there for long unless you’re regularly coming up with fresh ideas to keep people entertained and returning - the RFH team hasn’t ignored that wisdom or failed to adhere to it.
One of our very successful local breweries Squatters recently teamed up with RFH to accomplish something both have been dreaming about doing for a while now - make a
“radio from hell” beer. It had its maiden production run on Feb 7 and sold out close to immediately in every liquor store to which it was distributed. I was slightly crushed not to lay my hands on one of those precious bottles, and then I heard them say about the middle of last week that the second and much larger production run would happen this past Friday. So Saturday as I’m out running errands, I put the biggest area wine store and the Squatters store both on my “to visit” list in the hopes of procuring a bottle or so. The wine store was first on my driving route, and the very nice cashier told me they hadn’t received any bottles from the second run yet. He’d even been kind enough to give up the bottle from the first run he'd planned to purchase for himself to another fan of the show - the RFH friends of the program, as they’re commonly called here, are nothing if not generous when the chance presents itself. He further went on to tell me he did know that the Squatters store down the road did have some in stock, so I pretty much skipped my way back to the car, knowing that I should soon be able to purchase this sought-after elixir.
Sure enough, when I got to the store, the top shelf of their cooler was close to fully stocked with bottles of the RFH “red as hell ale”. And I am now the current happy possessor of a few of those bottles. I hope to crack open one (or two) with my sister this weekend in honor of her birthday.
this is my fifteenth entry for Season 8 of lj idol. stay tuned for a later update for where you can vote for this and other submissions after the due date for entries passes.