Jan 30, 2009 18:56
Let's see. We have a man who didn't pay his taxes, was discovered, then paid only those taxes he was obligated by law to pay (no penalties or interest), because of the statute of limitations. Then he was being considered for Treasury Secretary so he went back and paid for two years he didn't pay before (no penalties or interest). He was paid by 1099 so taxes were not withheld. BUT he was also additionally compensated by his employer extra to pay the taxes he didn't pay. Yeah, he didn't pay his taxes, was paid for the taxes he didn't pay, then says it was a mistake. He also didn't pay taxes or Social Security for his illegal maid.
We've also got a Heath and Human Services nominee who didn't pay taxes on income HE earned. We find out that he paid those taxes only when the presidential campaign screened his past tax returns.
President Obama announced that the revolving door between government and lobbying would be slammed shut "for as long as I am president." He signed an executive order stating that policy. If Bush had said that he's have been ridiculed; how do you slam a revolving door? Except for two deputy secretaries who BOTH lobbied in the past year, including a defense company lobbyist who lobbied the Defense Department up until late last year.
To quote an administration source: "We wanted to be really tough, but at the same time we didn't want to hamstring the new administration or turn the town upside down." So, tough rules until we need them to be lax. That's hardly a rule.
The National Journal reports that 14 White House staffers that Obama has named had been registered as lobbyists in the period of time covered by the executive order Obama signed. The list includes Obama’s senior adviser David Axelrod and homeland security adviser John Brennan. Oh yeah, that Treasury Secretary? Yeah, he now has as his chief of staff a recent registered lobbyist.
All this in two weeks. 3 years, 50 weeks to go.