***How far you would go with me... be honest now..***
Put "yes" or "no"
Kiss me..
Hug me..
Date me..
Kill me..
Love me..
Hate me..
Hold me..
Lie to me..
Hurt me..
Sing with me..
Dance with me..
Cuddle with me..
Let me make a move on you..
Make a move on me..
Watch a movie with me..
Get me a B-day gift..
Let me borrow your car..
Be there for me..
Buy me a drink..
Read more... )
Kiss me.. yes, on the cheek. or perhaps if i was drunk a lil peck haha.
Hug me.. yeah mon!
Date me.. naw, but you are dateable, i'll give you that!
Kill me..nope.
Love me..yesss of course!
Hate me..no why?
Hold me..mmhm:)
Lie to me.. not unless there was something i could gain from it.. haha nono, i kid i kid.
Hurt me..not intentionally.
Dance with me..heck yes, haven't we?yes!wesure have
Cuddle with me.. if there's a scary movie on, most likely!
Let me make a move on you..uhh? hahaha
Make a move on me.. most likely no. i swing the other way :P
Watch a movie with me..yep!
Get me a B-day gift.. yeah man! when's your birthday?
Let me borrow your car.. my parents car? perhaps. if i was too inebriated to drive :p
Be there for me.. always.
Buy me a drink.. if the price is right! :p
Bring me around your friends.. yep! we have mutual ones
Give me a massage.. heck yea, im good.
Go to sleep with me.. most likely.
Drink kool-aid with me.. YES
Hangout with me... uhm, YEAH? would i have it any other way?
Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good.. i might bring you soup!!
Hold hands with me..only we can jump in puddles.
Do something incredibly sweet for me.. i'm a sweet person, always.
Give me a lap dance.. hey, ive been known to give a good lapdance in my lifetime.. when certain girls *who shall remain nameless* coughJENNAcough don't drop me on the floor :)
tell me you love me.. love ya!
call me.. yup!
what would you do if you woke up next to me..... i'd say hello helloooo, lets make pancakes!
♥ kel
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