Apr 28, 2009 11:36
the pest control people are scheduled to come today between 12 and 2 this afternoon to spray for bugs in our kitchen. marshall found another bug this morning. i suppose it's a good thing that the ones we find on the floor are dead, but it's still horribly disgusting. even though i willed myself not to look at the light fixture, the cats let me know that the giant bug up there was still alive and moving around. it was driving wash completely nuts. he was climbing on the counters trying his hardest to get up to the light. i'm really starting to wonder how long that thing has been up there. you'd think we would've noticed, but, really, how often do you look at your kitchen ceiling? wash and zoe started meowing and staring at the light fixture, while i was trying to get ready for work and i had to keep repeating in my head "don't look up, don't look up, don't look up..." i knew that if my eyes wandered upward, i would've screamed like a little girl and bolted out the door. the thing was, i had stuff to do before i left. i decided to take my breakfast to work, quickly drank my juice and took my vitamins, and made my coffee. i lugged the litterbox, food and water bowls into our bedroom and refilled their dry food and i even put their mouse toy to provide the cats with something to do, other than destroy the bedroom and bathroom. to take further precaution against the spray the pest control people will be using, i took some rags and shoved them in the gap under the door. i'm not sure what good this will do, but i wanted to make sure that our bedroom and our cats are safe. i know that marshall already alerted the management office that we have cats and they said that they would be safe if we simply kept them in another room. i'll take their word for it. i just hope they're comfortable and not going completely nuts. i made sure to close the closet and open the blinds. i also cracked the window so they would have fresh air, plus they love hanging out on the windowsill when the windows are open. so yeah...
i'm really REALLY hoping this spray works. i'm completely disgusted and i've never had to deal with bugs like these before. they're gross and it makes me feel gross. i'm also freakin' scared of the kitchen, which is something i simply do NOT like. i love my kitchen and i love cooking. i hate knowing there is this huge thing in my light fixture carrying germs and other gross things into my house. i'm also wondering if any of the other apartments are having similar problems. i know being on the ground floor, we're more susceptible to bugs and critters, but this is ridiculous. i mean, they're isolated in just the kitchen and nowhere else in the house, which i can chalk up to being a good thing. it's not like our entire house is infested. all the ones we've found around so far have been dead, not alive. something must be making them sick and they crawl away to die. but still...*shudder* ew.