a personal day

Dec 03, 2008 08:52

you know what an awesome way to start your day is? getting your cat, especially a kitten with their tiny and super sharp claws, to shred the inside of your wrist. i looks like i had a very unsuccessful attempt at cutting. she practically shredded the skin. i'm not even sure what happened exactly. i picked her up and something spooked her and she wriggled out of my grasp, elbowed me in the neck and then used my forearm as a jumping-off point. in the process, she dug her claws in and shoved off. i looked down and had 3 very long white marks. those white marks turned red. i rinsed, but that didn't seem to do much. so, i called marshall in to get me some paper towels. i had him blot the area with hydrogen peroxide. unfortunately, we realized we didn't have any bandages big enough. i lathered on the neosporin and headed to the store. my wrist is all bandaged and i called in a personal day.


i haven't written in a while. work has been incredibly busy and school has been busy. i was on-schedule and finished my big database project before thanksgiving. i submitted the final documents to my teacher yesterday. i have a small break from that class until this weekend, when i can have access to the final exam and i have until next wednesday to complete it. unfortunately, that doesn't mean i have a break from anything else. i have a term paper to write this week. i've been slow to start, but i wrote about half of my paper last night and i know where to go tonight. i plan on finishing my paper tonight and use tomorrow for review and revisions. i'm really planning on getting this done and over with before friday. i want to enjoy celtcub's birthday AND i want to enjoy putting up our tree, which is planned for this weekend, too.


thanksgiving was awesome, as always. in fact, i think everything tasted even better than last year. plus, my mom's good friends from washington came down and having them over was just great. of course there was lots of wedding talk. my mom, sister, and i looked through the wedding magazines i had bought and looked at a variety of wedding gowns and bridesmaid dresses. we tossed around some ideas and talked about some planning for january. we continued the wedding talk to friday, when we headed up to san francisco to partake of the black friday activities. none of us really went hog-wild with shopping, but that's rarely the point for our annual trip anyway. we walked around, chatted about everything and ate some wonderful food. we didn't end up leaving until 11pm!

the rest of the weekend was just as wonderful. marshall and i suggested a movie night to celtcub, norcalpaco, and damneddonkey. we had just bought wall-e and ironman and we knew they hadn't seen them. so, we stopped at the store for movie snacks and dinner fixings and settled in for a double-feature. it was so much fun just hanging out and watching movies.


i've been mulling wedding ideas in my head. i'm not sure if we're going to have an actual theme, but we're looking at having the following colors: plum (or aubergine), ivory and charcoal gray. we also have an idea for our favors. we're doing M&Ms (for marshall and michelle), but we're thinking of getting over-sized matchboxes and wrapping them in strips of a maps of santa cruz. we're hoping to get married in santa cruz and since that's where we met and where marshall proposed, it holds a lot of meaning for us. my coworker suggested using strips of hemp to wrap the boxes, as well, to add a nice touch. i also had an idea for the invitations. i like the idea of an invitation that has a "gate fold" and inside is the actual invitation. so, if we go with the colors i mentioned, the gate fold outside piece would be plum, the actual invitation would be ivory and we can use some dark charcoal gray rafia to tie everything together. i'm hoping we can save some money and do the invitations ourselves. this is all preliminary, but i'm starting to see things coming together.

in the meantime, though, i need breakfast and nurse my wrist. stupid cat...

the welding, grad-school, injuries, cats, work

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