Jul 24, 2005 21:44
so disney sea was quiiiite a spectacle as you read in daigos entry...so the next day we were exhausted and then i played uno with daigos cousin yumi, who beat me so many times because of the damn harry potter version that contains this card with a cape which basically always lets you win if you use it right, and she alwayssss got it. later we had a huge outburst of energy and daigos cousins and all of us started throwing little toys and clothes at each other and it was really funny...uhhhmmmmmm i know how to say 4 colors in japanese thanks to the game of uno.
yesterday at dinner daigo spilt fish soup all over his pants and it was hilarious.
there was also a 5.something earthquake here while daigo and i were walking. daigo tripped and i saw some vending machines shake but neither of us knew it was really an earthquake/wanted to admit it was. but in the part of japan where we were 5 hours earlier, the power was down and all the trains stopped running. and a typhoon is now on its way and we may be stuck in the house.
today was really fun because daigos dad took us to this hidden german bar place for japanese old people and they all got pretty drunk and danced around like little kids. it was really cute. then we all made like 4 long trains of people and danced around the bar, followed by lotsss of the funky chicken, which apparently daigo did not know of. and we heard lots of cool beer songs that went like PROST! PROST! auf gehts leut....over and over. followed by many cheerss. some japanese ladies in german outfits played various sized cow bells. and my face is sore from all the laughing.
theres drinks here in all convenient stores that have collagen in them and i cant wait to try one because it gives you a `good complexion`. and yesterday we bought candies that contained GABA in them, which is found in your nervous system and acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter...whatever we learned about it in psychology and it would be illegal in the US along with selling kirin ichiban beer in vending machines but japanese people still do it and i love them all.
we all performed surgery on my ipod this evening because it needed battery replacement and it was cool to see the insides and all.
now daigos watching missy elliot on japanese mtv. hahahahaha. oh wait, he changed it. now hes watching japan vs. australia in mens lacrosse ( i didnt know they played!) and believe it or not, japan is winning 3-1. dayumm.
im leaving daigo in 2 days for my friend kiricos, who will take me shopping until i explode. i cant wait.
love child dragon damn i have a badass name chang