I feel great, I feel great, I can't remember my toes!!

Sep 22, 2004 23:01

I think that today would be the best day that I have had at Georiga TEch. I feel like I'm finally able to cope with the stress that Tech demands. I so aced my Honor's Calc II test this morning, and after miserably failing the first one, that sure does feel good. I know, I know... I'm going to get made fun of for being happy about doing well on a test... I always do, but, hey, I don't care, because I'm on a high right now. I love it! Everything is now perfect!

Quote of the day (even though it was from the Nothin but Treble retreat this weekend): "I'm as confused as a goat on astroturf."

I hope everybody else is doing well at their respective schools. I so haven't been talking to anybody but Liz, and that hasn't been very frequently either. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you all!
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