So for the non-spoiler crowd I will say only one thing: This movie is not only worth seeing it's worth seeing twice. It's really -that- good and -that- packed with stuff you can't pick up on the first go through.
I will warn you, that if you are a Die Hard "Trekkie" who knows things like the Engine Setting for the Enterprise's co-variance needed to make Warp Speed? Don't go see this movie. Don't go because not only will you hate this movie, but you may attempt to assassinate JJ Abrams before he can make, those of us whom think -you- are a loser, a sequel.
That said:
Okay. So the movie has a good solid storyline. It all flows together personally for the movie. Almost none of the Movie works for anything you've ever seen in any other movie or episode. This is a very import detail, because it will make the Die Hard crew hate this movie. Everything that has happened or that should happen in the Trek Universe you've known for the last 60 years? Can still happen but it will have to happen differently.
The neat thing about this movie for me is that Franchises "Reboot" themselves all the time. Batman, Superman, Nightmare on Elmstreet, Friday the 13th. In a way even Star Wars did with Episodes 1, 2, 3. When they do so, the standard is that they work it in so that they're not disappointing the fans of the past. They almost never discount what came before them. I'll give you an example: In Dark Knight, this gritty and sleak Batman vs Joker movie is amp'd up and done perfectly, but they specifically left Joker alive. Not because of the intent to use him in a sequel, but because they wanted to leave it open to the events of Nicholson's Joker having happened 'Later in Life.'
JJ Abrams did not do that. Why? Because that's not really a Reboot. That's selective re-editing, it's like a touch up paint job to your old 57 Chevy. So what Abrams did is took the issue of Time Travel, a Star Trek staple for TNG and TOS, then he uses it. He used it to -change Star Trek History-.
That's right. There's your spoiler. The Time Traveling Romulans, changed all of Star Trek history. Everything you knew, thought you knew, saw in an Episode or old Movie? Gone. Spock dieing and being restored on Vulcan? Gone. Spock and Kirk's fight to the death on Vulcan? Gone. Amanda giving Kirk sage councel? Gone. Picard travelling to Vulcan to meet with Sarek? Gone.
Almost all of those things can still happen, but they have to happen differently. Vulcan was destroyed. Amanda is dead.
Oh and guys who are saying this is Alternate Universe? No no, my friends. Directly from the Site of "This is the Star Trek universe taking a fresh direction." So this isn't AU. That's why Leonard Nimoy is in the flick, to Symbolize that the timeline he is from... died.
Awesome Movie. Awesome direction. Star Trek is the underrated movie of the Decade. A true storyteller's Wet-Dream. It just comes at the expense of the Die Hard Dorkdom's manhood. Probably a bad idea, in the end, because those Dorks are the ones who kept the franchise alive all these years.