Disney Guitar. Yay or Nay?

Jan 11, 2009 22:17

Any real guitarist will tell you that Guitar Hero has nothing to do with any real-world instrument. Disney, surprisingly, has created an educational and inoffensive spin that uses a real guitar as a controller.

I mean...seriously. Ever since Guitar Hero came out, I've been laughing my ass off every time I saw any kind of video on youtube about people, being retarded musician wannabe, scoring a OMGNOWAY-worthy amount of score to show-off their apparent "ultimate rocker" guitar skills on....a retarded, string-less, 5 cute'n'colourful buttons on the neck, guitar with this weird moveable latch around the area of the pickup.

Funny Demotivators

Disney, however, did a pretty....dunno, good job for making a Guitar Hero clone that's different than Guitar Hero. Just go watch the video, it explains everything. But then its still not a good enough excuse to learn guitar. Its still retarded.

...and I hope Konami sue Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises, really. They blatantly copy everything
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