i was doing my second tour of
man vs beer in little tokyo when at the end #20 we were accosted by a crossfit enthusiast who insisted on crossing the final hurdle together - barley wine !kanpei! drinking is easy, crossfit is not. i admit i have been rather intrigued by it, especially since some friends opened up a gym (!!) dedicated to it, and since they had put a bounty on my participation at a months free membership.
i do no take care of my body - which disappoints me since i would play basketball every day if i could and would gladly pong all the time. the dedicated workouts though do not seem to match my demeanor. unfortunately eating is simple for the most part.
it was a spirited night, which may have involved some teenage camera phone taping. if i had to do the night over i would have probably confronted the individual. but i think it was harmless. i hope it was.
oh and public transport in la is passable.