
"What has two thumbs and doesn't give a crap?"

May 03, 2004 17:09

Tired. Yeah. Tired.

Should have slept more than four hours last night, I suppose, but this is SOP when it comes to tests for me. Procrastinate for one to two weeks, study more during the two or three days before, study manically the night before and the day of the test, pull off some kind of miracle and continue to get decent grades, rinse, lather, repeat.

Sometimes you get tired of trying to change yourself for the apparent better, and just go with what seems to be. Me trying to better myself is too complicated to figure out and.. well.. I'd probaby suck at it anyway. And then I'd have to better bettering myself and off we go...

Aside from being buried in tests, everything seems to be pretty okayish. Living my normal-slash-abnormal lifestyle. Studying. Soccering. Demonstrating. Sleeping.

I like Kill Bill Volume One. And Volume Two. They were good. I wish I had watched enough movies in my life to know all the different genres mixed in the blender there, though.

I bought my mother a ring with a giant 1cm zirconia for Mother's Day so she can feel superior to her rich female tramping buddies, because she has a more impressive and gaudier ring than any of them. And it doesn't matter if it gets lost in the bush that much. But I only sent it off today, Chelly and Ali, so don't tell.

I dreamt Jono was dead, and Geoffy was kicking the coffin around for some reason. That really fucked me off, so I really let him have it, I was hitting him like I never hit anyone ever before. But in the morning Jono said I was talking in my sleep about a guy I interviewed for journalism. Strange. I'm wondering if there's a connection.
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