Hi there! Its been a long time since I've put myself "out there" lol, but I'm really hoping to find like-minded people to talk to. I've been lurking for a while and really enjoy this comm so I decided it was time to make another journal for this side of my life and jump in! I linked to my post in order to introduce myself. Hope to hear from you ;)
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I tend not to think of myself as having found a definitive way (for myself - I know my practice is unique to me), but rather that the path is fluid. I accept that as part of "riding the hedge", as they say. Also - I've never heard anyone else here mention this, but maybe others practice this way - I practice all my rituals/spellwork/prayers/etc. in silence. Always in silence. The only exception is when I'm performing a cleansing/blessing on someone else; if it's only my personal work, I never, ever speak. It just feels right to the core for me.
Honestly, this is the only time I've spoken openly about what I really believe. My husband knows about most of it, and is fully accepting (he even helps me on holidays!), but I often don't feel that I WANT to speak about it. My family basically knows - everyone is aware of my psychic abilities, and sometimes my mother, aunt or brother will ask me to read for them or cleanse spaces, or basically just for my gut feelings on various situations. They follow my advice on what is really spellwork, but they would never, ever think of it that way. I've recently found out that my great-grandmother apparently had some witchy leanings herself that no one talked about, which has actually been a little thrilling for me and explains why, even though they aren't comfortable enough to have a straight-up, out-in-the-open conversation about it, they believe and respect my talents and spiritual leanings. So that's been really wonderful.
Wow. I kind of spewed there, didn't I? Jeez. Sorry if it's TMI or doesn't make a lot of sense! It was nice of you to ask. : )
Re: Hecate, I always get the sense she appreciates the silence. I'm most in tune with her "crone" aspect, and - I don't know - I just get the sense that she "gets" that. What do you think?
And I agree. I have never gotten the sense that she needs me to verbalize anything...I think she speaks in the silence ;)
So amazing. : )
However, most descriptions of the modern Triple Goddess conflate the grandmother of the old crescent with the queen of witches of the dark moon, calling them both "crone", as if they were interchangeable. Hecate is clearly the queen of witches of the dark moon, but there is no evidence for her manifesting as the grandmother of the old crescent.
On another note though, I don't necessarily feel that those that worship her as a Crone now are wrong simply because so much of worship in ancient times was syncretistic. It just seems like a continuation of ancient practices in some ways. I mean, who's to say that deity wouldn't assume the role modern worshipers give her? I don't know (there's a lot I don't know lol). I've never really understood her as a triple goddess either. Though I did read an interesting viewpoint. It stated that as a crossroads goddess and a goddess of liminal spaces, Hecate was guardian of the triple crossroads at death, when people either went to the Elysium Fields, Asphoedel Fields or Tartarus. That kinda made me go Hmmmmmm, time to research some more ;)
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