Alister Crowley wrote in one of his seminal works The Book of the Law, instructions to burn the book upon completion of reading. Now I think it is a rare thing for readers and devotees to actually do. But what freedom and meaning that very act has for the seeker who reads it. However equally meaningful is refusing the burn the book
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I like how you describe how it plays into your own witchcraft to both hide in plain sight and to push the boundaries when it is magically useful or just plain the right thing to do.
I see my teachers, which includes authors on magic, pushing with trickster lessons for the readers to take that first chance, to learn how the power of transgressing feels and therefore how to harness it and hopefully when to use and when not to. Some authors teach by example, others by bad example, don't you think?
You may not wind up on the side I'd prefer to find you on, but you'll have to decide whether credible research matters to you or not.
I'd say the biggest area of concern are the bland authors, nothing great, nothing horrid that are a waste of time. As long as they inspire strong reactions growth can happen.
One of my favorite chuckles happened while poking around a local bookshop (big shock.) A women came in looking for Irish Celtic creation tales-no such things, Celtic alteration tales exist here and there, but the basic Irish myths accept that the land was there first- the whole thing of being one of many waves of invasion don'tcha know?
After boiling down rather nicely if I say so myself, she nodded, thanked me, and turned and asked "so do you have any or not?" Myths that still teach are still valid in my nearly humble opinion, and few books or tales are completely worthless, as long as they are given their due, no more and certainly no less. Of course a balanced view tends to be treated as the modern version of heresy.
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