A recent post about atheist/agnostic witchcraft brought up an interesting point: There aren't that many books out there that cover this specific area! I'd love to add a section for atheist, agnostic, and non-theist witchcraft to our
community bookshelf, but I need books to put under that topic. If you know of any, please head over to our bookshelf
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jumps to mind as a book that deals with energy- offers a thought form approach to the Gods- but doesn't stress that you do or don't need to buy into Gods in any form or manner to use magic.
Have to go through the shelves for Teen/kids books- but the pagan kid's coloring book - Amber K
is a favorite stand-by shower gift.
Thanks again! :)
The general tone of the book is more of a "science we don't understand fully" rather than a believe this for it to work mindset however.
Really have to raid the shelves....and a possible snow day tomorrow too....;)
Oh, and I'm a FL girl who moved to MD a bit over a month ago. I was so excited to see snow for the first time, but now I'm all, "WTF SNOW GO AWAY." LOL
I'm a New Englander born and raised- but by this time of the season, snow isn't a pretty sight- even with a snow day being offered- its many hours of shoveling and being wet...
gads don't I just sound grumpy....
To get back on topic- I'll add the book to my reading stack and get back to you ASAP.
Thanks (as always) for keeping the bookshelf up to date and the massive work you do with links et al.
And no worries about sounding grumpy. I just want to be warm! XD
Thanks! I'd really appreciate that. :) And absolutely! I loved working on this project, and always want to hear more input. Thank you for checking it out and finding it useful!
However, most of down and dirty working elements are based on a working model of testable results and trial and error methods.
This is not "just the facts ma'am" kind of book- though for the time it came much closer than anything else in print.
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